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Education Systems International

Country / region: Channel Islands

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international; Asia; North America; South America; Central America; Africa; Europe; Japan; Indonesia; India; Hong Kong; Morocco; Tunisia; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Mozambique; Kenya; Egypt; Algeria; Puerto Rico; Panama; Mexico; Guatemala; El Salvador; Canada; Venezuela; Peru; Ecuador; Colombia; Chile; Brazil; Bolivia; Argentina; Ukraine; Serbia; Switzerland; Sweden; Spain; Russian Federation; Romania; Portugal; Poland; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Lithuania; Kyrgyzstan; Italy; Hungary; Greece; Germany; France; Finland; Denmark; Czechia; Bulgaria; Belgium; Austria; Yemen; Vietnam; United Arab Emirates; Turkey; Thailand; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Singapore; Philippines; Pakistan; Oman; Nepal; Mongolia; Malaysia; Laos; Jordan; Israel; Iran; China, People's Republic of; Taiwan; Channel Islands; Caribbean; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
TEFL stands for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language". This website offers information on the situation of teaching English in various countries.

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