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"IV Encuentro International de Educación Inclusiva y Social" & "I Congreso Latinoamericano 'La Escuela Inclusiva en el Sistema Educativo'"

13.10.2016 - 15.10.2016

Nave Universitaria, Ciudad de Mendoza


h t t p : / / e d u c a c i o n . u n c u y o . e d u . a r / n u e s t r a - f a c u l t a d - c o - o r g a n i z a - c o n g r e s o - l a t i n o a m e r i c a n o - s o b r e - e d u c a c i o n - i n c l u s i o nExterner Link

"Inclusive Education appears as the possibility of building a society in which all citizens are recognized and participate, eliminating all kinds of social, economic and cultural exclusions.The growing diversity of today's society and its progressive complexity demand analysis and reflection on the role of the school institution and that of education.

In this context, the 1st Latin American Congress 'The Inclusive School in the Educational System' will be held in Mendoza, in which representatives from Argentina and Italy will participate. Its purpose is to reiterate on the political, educational and social agenda pressing issues related to the right to an education for all, as well as to raise practical instruments that favor the development of competences so that all citizens contribute to social construction from knowledge, knowing how to do and being as the highest individual and social aspiration."

[Abstract: Site editor’s information translated by editors of Education Worldwide]



Argentina, Italy, Latin America, Disadvantage, Education for all, Educational opportunity, Education system, Equal opportunity, Inclusion, Right to education,

Type of event conference/ convention/ symposium
Thematic area primary school; lower secondary school; upper secondary school; special education school; special needs education; social work/ social pedagogy
Target group school teachers; lecturers/ researchers; educational policy/ administration; special education; social pedagogy
Conference language other
Organised by Fundación Bologna Mendoza; Facultad de Educación Elemental y Especial de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo;  Universidad de Congreso; Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Bologna
Last modified 10.08.2020

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