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Die UN-Vollversammlung hat den 20. Juni zum zentralen internationalen Gedenktag für Flüchtlinge ausgerufen. An diesem Tag wird auf die besondere Situation und die Not von über 50 Millionen Flüchtlingen aufmerksam gemacht.


Flight, Asylum, Human rights, Commemoration day, Refugee,

Type of event other event
Thematic area general; child day-care; pre-school; primary school; lower secondary school; upper secondary school; special education school; vocational education and training; higher education; youth work and education; adult education; senior citizens education; special needs education; social work/ social pedagogy; science/ educational research; educational policy/ educational administration; media and information literacy
Target group general public
Conference language German; English; French; other
Organised by UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe e.V.
Last modified 21.06.2016

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