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Global Action Week 2014 - Equal Right, Equal Opportunity: Education and Disability

04.05.2014, 06:00 Uhr - 10.05.2014, 22:00 Uhr


h t t p : / / w w w . c a m p a i g n f o r e d u c a t i o n . o r g / e n / g l o b a l - a c t i o n - w e e k / g l o b a l - a c t i o n - w e e k - 2 0 1 4Externer Link

"Global Action Week is one of the major focal points for the education movement. Created and led by the Global Campaign for Education, Global Action Week provides everyone campaigning for the right to education with an opportunity to highlight a core area of the Education For All agenda and make targeted efforts to achieve change on the ground, with the added support of millions of members of the public worldwide joining together for the same cause.
We are asking teachers, students, education campaigners and members of the public to take part in Global Action Week events happening all around the world, 4-10 May 2014." [Abstract: Site editorÂ’s information]


Equal opportunity, Education, School, awareness,

Type of event other event
Thematic area primary school; lower secondary school; upper secondary school; special education school; youth work and education; special needs education; social work/ social pedagogy; educational policy/ educational administration
Target group general public; parents; students (school); school teachers; teacher trainers; educational policy/ administration; special education; social pedagogy; journalists
Conference language English; French; other
Organised by Global Campaign for Education (GCE)
Last modified 30.04.2014

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