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Ariadne Pfad:


Holloway, Donell; Green, Lelia; Livingstone, Sonia

Zero to eight.

Young children and their internet use.

h t t p : / / e p r i n t s . l s e . a c . u k / 5 2 6 3 0 / 1 / Z e r o _ t o _ e i g h t . p d fExterner Link

h t t p : / / e p r i n t s . l s e . a c . u k / 5 2 6 3 0 /Externer Link

"This report [of the multinational research network 'EU Kids Online'] aims to identify recent relevant evidence regarding young children of eight years and under and their increasing engagement with the internet. It evaluates the quality of this evidence, the research gaps and the implications for policy." (DIPF/Orig./av).


Medienforschung, Mediennutzung, Medienverhalten, Medienwirkung, Kind, Kleinkind, Risiko, Medienforschung, Elementarbereich, Internet, Kind, Kleinkind, Elementarbereich, Risiko, Internet,

Quelle London: LSE (2013), 36 S., URL des Volltextes:;
Beigaben Literaturangaben
Sprache englisch
Dokumenttyp Monographie

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