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Ariadne Pfad:


Transnationale Bildungsorganisationen in transnationalen Bildungsräumen: Begriffsdefinitionen und Vorschlag für eine Typologie.

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[Die Autorin] stellt Überlegungen zu transnationalen Bildungsorganisationen in transnationalen Bildungsräumen vor. Hierbei eröffnet sie dem Leser eine umfangreiche Beschreibung und Begriffserklärung, indem sie Gemeinsamkeiten, aber insbesondere auch Unterschiede zwischen internationalen und transnationalen Bildungsräumen beschreibt. Aufbauend auf dieser analytischen Trennung arbeitet sie Spezifika von Bildungsräumen und im Anschluss daran Funktion und Wirkungsweisen von Bildungsorganisationen heraus. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund einer fortschreitenden Globalisierung im Bildungsbereich gewinnt die von ihr vorgestellte Typisierung von nationale Grenzen überschreitenden Bildungsorganisationen ein besonderes Gewicht. (DIPF/Orig.).

Besides governmental organisations (e.g. education ministries) and international organisations (e.g. UNESCO) transnational organisations have appeared worldwide as a rather new set of actors in what is here called 'transnational educational spaces': Migrants who combine multiple cross border educational careers instead of a unidirectional integration into the education system of their new host country create transnational educational space. Non-state actors in higher education offering programmes or branch campuses overseas, profit-seeking transnational educational firms selling tutoring, teaching and certificates on the global market, and transnational enterprises creating their own corporate universities or academies for teaching and capacity building of their personnel, - all of them my be analysed as actors in 'transnational educational spaces'. Likewise international schools teaching worldwide according to non-national curricula and certificates, and non-governmental advocacy organisations preaching 'Education for All', may also be said to act in 'transnational educational spaces'. Such phenomena may be discusses and researched from a vast variety of perspectives like biographies, lifestyles, attitudes, achievement, networks or mobility patterns. In this article the stress is on organization operating in these fields, because transnational educational organizations compete and interact with national and international ones, and thus pose a challenge to the taken-for-granted concept of national education systems. After clarifying the concept of transnational educational spaces the article will therefore focus especially on organizations acting in these fields, which may be identified as genuinely educational organizations, and offer a typology which might be useful for further research. (DIPF/Orig.).


Begriffsbildung, Bildungsorganisation, Internationale Bildungspolitik, Bildungsmarkt, Internationale Schule, Transnationale Kultur, Abschlusszeugnis, Internationales Abitur, Migration, Globalisierung, Wettbewerb, Internationale Hochschule, Transnational Education, Definition, GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services), Integration, Typologie, Welt, Internationale Organisation,

Quelle In: Tertium comparationis, 14 (2008) 2, S. 168-197, URL des Volltextes:
Beigaben Tabellen
Sprache deutsch
Dokumenttyp Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN 0947-9732
URN urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-157403
Erfasst von DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
Update 2010/3

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