Ergebnis der Suche (3)
Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: THEORY und DEMOCRACY)
Es wurden 31 Einträge gefunden
- Treffer:
- 21 bis 30
Colin Crouch on the decline of the big parties
Der britische Politologe Colin Crouch spricht über die Krise der Volksparteien und den richtigen Umgang mit Rechtspopulismus (7 minutes / YouTube 2017).
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Oxford Text Archive
Riesige Online-Bibliothek (U.K.) mit (fast) allen Texten zur philosophischen und politischen Ideengeschichte (2009-20).
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Alexis de Tocqueville
Website mit vielen Materialien zur Reise Tocquevilles in die USA 1831 und zu ihren Ergebnissen (C-SPAN 2013-19)
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Tyranny and the Rule of Law
In this 10thgrade lesson, students will define tyranny by examining a variety of primary sources: The Republic by Plato, Politics by Aristotle and more (USA: California History-Social Science Project 2020).
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Max Weber: Politics as a Vocation
From a 1918 lecture Weber gave at Munich University at the request of the student union (USA: Oregon State University 2021)
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Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes (1588-1679) ist neben John Locke und Jean-Jacques Rousseau einer der Theoretiker des Gesellschaftsvertrags (2022).
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John Locke
Locke (1632-1704) gilt als Vater des Liberalismus (10 Minuten / The School of Life 2022).
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Alexis de Tocqueville on the Tyranny of the Majority
These lessons focus on Chapter 7 in Volume 1, Part 2 of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, in which Tocqueville lays out his arguments about the dangers of the ʺtyranny of the majority.ʺ(USA: EDSITEment 2019)
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Democracy in Theory and Practice
The twelve units range from concerns with electoral politics in the U.S. (partly prompted by the election year 2008), to constitutional politics and the founding, to the impact of the media (including the internet) on US democracy, to democratic politics as viewed through and influenced by literature, to the enfranchisement of marginalized groups, and specific policy issues ...
Details { "HE": "DE:HE:1185438" }
’The Prince’ and ’Why Machiavelli Still Matters’
This New York Times lesson pairs Machiavelli’s ”The Prince” with the Times Opinion article ”Why Machiavelli Still Matters” by John T. Scott and Robert Zaretsky (2014).
Details { "HE": "DE:HE:1737763" }