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France: Education system and education information - Education Systems International

Country / region: France

key words found 1 - 240 of 240

France; Francophone Countries
In its database, the European Centre for Modern Languages ​​of the Council of Europe provides a list of links to associations and organisations in France that deal with the topic of language. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

France; Francophone Countries
HAL Science Ouverte serves as the French national archive for open and freely accessible scientific results and publications. We link here to the list of results on the topic "francais langue seconde" (French as a second language). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

France; Francophone Countries
Since 2016, the Department of Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance (DEPP) of the French Ministry of Education has been providing an annual information sheet with key figures and other statistical data on the education of children with a foreign language background. In addition, statistical data and information on measures and programmes for the integration of these pupils [...]

France; Francophone Countries
The official French portal for continuing education for teachers, Réseau Canopé, offers various resources on the subject of French as a foreign and second language and as a school language. You can find dossiers, videos, digital teaching and learning materials, interviews and much more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Website of the University of Strasbourg on the subject of "Careers in French as a Foreign Language". It is primarily aimed at students who are interested in French as a Foreign Language (FLE). Possible careers are presented, and you can find information on internships and training courses, as well as a bibliography and associations on the subject. [Summary: Editors of [...]

Information page of the official French education platform éduscol on the "Academic centres for the schooling of newly arrived foreign-language children and children from itinerant and travelling families" (CASNAV). The site provides extensive information on the work of these academies, legal texts on the subject and resources for teachers of French as a foreign language and [...]

The Dulala association is committed to promoting multilingualism in France. It does this in three main areas of activity: 1. creation of easy-to-use teaching and information resources (kits, games, posters, booklets, etc.) 2. language awareness workshops for children run jointly with professionals 3. training and research (conferences, summer schools, etc.) Dulala [...]

LISÉO is the documentation portal of France Education international (formerly Centre international d'études pédagogiques - CIEP). It specialises in education, teaching and dissemination of the French language in the world. The thematic page on languages and French as a foreign language linked here provides information on new publications, events, subject-specific [...]

The page "Métiers du FLE" (French as a Foreign Language professions) lists organisations and networks on French as a foreign language. You can find the following societies, among others: * Association Rhénane des Enseignants de Français Langue Etrangère (AREFLE) * Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français (FIPF) * ASsociation de DIdactique du Français [...]

The journal "Didactics of French as a Second Language - Research and Practice" has been published since 2020 by the Association rhénane des enseignants de FLE (AREFLE) (Rhineland Association of Teachers of French as a Foreign Language). It is published 1-3 times a year, usually as a themed issue. Vol 2(2), 2023, for example, had the topic "French as a school language (FLSCO): [...]

This guide to schooling children with a foreign language background was created by the official education portal of the French Ministry of Education. The guide contains worksheets and videos on the topics of "Admission and schooling modalities", "Evaluation of pupils' performance and skills" and "Integration of pupils". [Summary: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Website of the international French-language television channel TV5 Monde for teaching French as a foreign language. Among other things, you will find educational material, but also videos and games for self-learning. Everything can be filtered according to target groups, age groups, language level, etc.[Summary: Editors of Education Worldwide]

France; Francophone Countries
Website of the Deputy Director of DILTEC (Didactique des Langues, des Textes et des Cultures), a French research laboratory specialised in linguistics and didactics at the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris University 3. The website is "dedicated to teaching French as a second language to allophone pupils newly arrived in France. You can find useful documents (university documents, [...]

Overview page with annual results of the French EANA survey on admissions to the French school system of newly arrived foreign-language pupils who do not speak French. The page provides information on the survey's aim, scope and methodology and links to various articles on the results of the EANA survey. It also provides a link to a thematically relevant Eduscol page with [...]

In its annual publication on education statistics, the French Ministry of Education also provides a sub-chapter on the enrolment of newly arrived foreign-language pupils in France ("La scolarisation des élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés"), usually in Chapter 1 "Le système éducatif". The 2023 edition is not yet included in the list linked here (as of April 2024) and [...]

Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Colombia; Costa Rica; Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This page of the OECD contains current studies and analyses on issues relating to the integration of people with a migration background and refugees in the OECD countries. The topics include language training, recognition of educational qualifications, digital and social participation.

France; Francophone Countries; international
The research chair "Disability, Education and Digital Technologyl" is a project by the "research group on Disability, Accessibility, Educational and School Practices" (Grhapes). Grhapes, for its part, is the research unit of the French "National Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young People with Disabilities and for Appropriate Teaching"(INSHEA). The [...]

France; Francophone Countries; international
The "Observatory for Adapted Digital Resources" (Orna) was created in November 2007 by the Digital Education Department of the French Ministry of National Education. The "National Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young People with Disabilities and for Appropriate Teaching" (INSHEA) is in charge of Orna. Orna's task is to identify, analyse and evaluate [...]

This is the official website of the Working Group 2 "Learning Analytics" (GTNum2) as part of the Numerilab, which aims at initiating and supporting projects in the field of digitization. The NumeriLab was / is located at the Directorate for Digitization of Education (Direction du Numérique pour l'Education - DNE), a department of the French Ministry of Education. The site [...]

France; Germany; Netherlands; Poland
Focusing on the persecution and displacement of Jews during the National Socialist Terror Regime in Europe, the website offers Information about archived sources and places where they are Held. Users can also Access country information.

The ESPE are centres for teacher training and teacher education in France. They are integrated into respective universities. They train teachers for the primary and secondary level as well as for higher career grades (school directors etc.). Before 2013, the "Instituts Universitaires de Formation des Maîtres (IUFM)" were in charge of this task. We link you to an overview of [...]

Europe; Germany; Italy; France; Spain; Sweden; Portugal; Netherlands; Finland; United Kingdom; Ireland; Denmark; Belgium
The network YERUN was founded in 2014 and has 18 member Universities in Europe. The criterion for membership was that the universities are not older than 50 years. They cooperate in the sector of education, EU policy, graduate employability and research. In 2018, seven member universities came together to form YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe". YUFE wants [...]

The website of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, which unfortunately is only available in French, provides information on the three foci of the ministry, that is Higher Education, Research and Innovation. You will also find information on the ministry's strategy, on international cooperation, on questions concerning employees in this [...]

Blog article by a Londoner college principal on the issue of education in the French presidential election 2017. The article explains and compares the positions of the most important candidates on educational policy. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The German Federal Agency for Civic Education provides country dossiers that also contain a section on the educational system of the respective country. The article is only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Cnesco is composed of researchers, parlamentarians, and members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. It is in charge of doing analyses, studies, and evaluations of the French educational system and give advice based on their results. The website, which is also available in English, provides fulltext documents of reports based on evaluations etc. in different [...]

In its dossier on the French presidential election 2017, the German Federal Agency for Civic Education provides an article on the permanent topic of education in the French presidential elections. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

eduscol, the informational website of the French Ministry of Education, provides links for teachers to prepare their courses on the French presitential election 2017. The links are mainly to be found within two subjects: EMC - Enseignement moral et civique (moral and civic education), and histoire-géographie (history-geography). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

A scientific analyses by two sociologists comparing positions on educational issues in the electoral programmes of the candidates to the French presidential election 2017. The analyses also comprises a table listing the different positions for a better comparison. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Among others, this website provides videos of the candidates to the French presidency 2017 explaining their position on educational issues, a table which compares the position of the different candidates on education, an explanatory video for children, as well as several articles on the subject of education during the presidential election. The website "800.000 feignasses" [...]

Selected sections on education in the electoral programme of Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the right-wing nationalist party Front National to the presidential elections in France in 2017, translated into German by Education Worldwide. You will find the original electoral programme in French on Le Pen's official website. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Besides UNSA Education and FSU, FNEC-FP FO is one of the biggest federations of teachers' unions in France. The website mainly provides news from the respective unions of FNEC-FP as well as general union news. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This French Wikipedia article provides an overview of the history of teachers' unions in France as well as of current developments and existing unions in the field of education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Selected sections on education in the electoral programme of Emmanuel Macron, an independent candidate to the presidential elections in France in 2017, translated into German by Education Worldwide. You will find the original French texts on the official website of Macron: Programme - Education & Programme - Enseignement supérieur et recherche . [Abstract: Editors of [...]

This site is provided by the French public national television broadcaster France Télévisions. It compiles videos concerning educational issues or having an educational goal. More specifically, this sub-category offers videos on the French presidential election 2017. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Provided by the centre-right French journal "Le Figaro", you can have a rather simple and visual insight into positions of the candidates to the French presidency 2017. The candidates are clustered around "in favour", "against" or "in between" in answer to several questions for different political issues. For education you will find 5 questions. A drop down menu additionally [...]

This interactive website is provided by the OECD. It can be used to compare France's results from different international educational assessments (PISA, TALIS, PIAAC ...) as well as their educational statistics (EAG) with that of the average OECD results or with the results of other countries. You can create graphs, tables and others, which can be exported as a pdf-document. [...]

The Unesco Institute for Statistics (UIS) provides the most recent basic data on education in France. You will find information on the following issues: * General information * Education System * Participation in education * Progress and completion in education * Education expenditures * Illiterate population * Literacy Rate Furthermore you will find extra sections [...]

The country dossiers, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provide information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The OECD provides some data from assessments or educational policy for France that can be compared to other countries taking part in these assessments (Click on "Trend" or "Ranking" - Please note that this only functions automatically if you open the link in the same tab. Otherwise, please choose your country under "Highlighted countries"). [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For France you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development provides a good short overview of the the French education system in English - "from nursery school to high school". [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This site provides structured information on education in France in German language. The single chapters deal with school, higher education, and degrees. "anabin" is an information database of the German Conference of Ministers of Education - Central Office for Foreign Education (Kultusministerkonferenz - Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen - ZAB). Its mission is [...]

France; Germany
The country reports on this website provide a broad overview of research and education in countries worldwide, including information on the education system, research landscape, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. The superordinate country page additionally provides news, events, documents, general country data and links. The website is provided by the [...]

France; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with France. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

France; Germany
The ADEAF (Association for the Development of the German Language in France) provides a press review in German and French on the discussions about the French educational reform of the lower secondary education in 2014/15 under Minister for Education Vallaud-Belkacem. Especially the changes planned for the German language classes sparked a huge controversy. The press in France [...]

France; Germany
The ADEAF (Association for the Development of the German Language in France) is a national organisation with about 1800 members, most of them German language teachers or German studies scholars. The website provides a newsletter, official information (educational policy etc), information about relevant events, thematic articles, information about ADEAF activities, and more. [...]

France; Germany
The VDFG ("Association of German-French Societies for Europe") has a French counterpart, the 'Fédération des Associations Franco-Allemandes pour l´Europe' (FAFA). Both were created in 1957 and form a unit. Currently, there are about 160 members, like German-French Societies, partnership associations, German-French choirs and others. The website provides ample information [...]

Official information page of the French Ministry for Education about the reform of the French Collège starting in spring 2015 under Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (in French only). The site provides current news, the minister's presentation dossier on the planned reform, key points, questions and answers, statements and press releases. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

Two chapters in the French Wikipedia article on the "Collège de France" that show the development of the Collège since the 1950s in France: La réforme du collège unique (The Reform of the Single Lower Secondary School), Projet de réforme Vallaud-Belkacem (Reform Project Vallaud-Belkacem). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Statement of the French Education Minister Vallaud-Belkacem to the criticism to her reform of the Collège and perception that the reform cuts down German language lessons in the Collège. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Critical statement by the "Association of German-French Societies for Europe" concerning the changes in the German language courses planned in the educational reform of the French Collège by French Education Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (11th April 2015). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

éduscol is a portal provided by the French Ministry for Education for professionals in education. The page linked here provides information on the reform of the French Collège under minister Vallaud-Belkacem starting in 2015. You will find question and answers, explanations and graphics, as well as all important official documents. Currently, this specific page is available [...]

Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia
This OECD-website lists international websites related to child well-being research. It differentiates between international organisations, european organisations, non-profit-organisations international research projects, ministries, governmental facilities, statistics agencies and universities.

Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Moldova, Republic of; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; North Macedonia; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; England; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Wales
This website is run by the "European Higher Education Area" and provides national reports on the status of the Bologna Process since 2003 from about 50 European countries. You can find the latest report at the top of the page of each member country. Older reports can be found at the bottom of the page in the menu bar on the right (under "related documents").[Abstract: Editors [...]

Europe; France; Germany; Hungary; Italy; Netherlands; Poland; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom
 was made 
INTMEAS‐consortium in
Member [...]

international; Switzerland; Canada; Spain; Italy; France
LISIS is a francophone international research group working on inclusion in schools. It was established by Haute Ecole Pédagogique Vaud (Switzerland) and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) (Canada). Researcher from France, Spain and Italy are also participating in LISIS. Their website provides information on their research foci and research groups, on [...]

Portugal; Spain; Germany; France; Belgium; Ireland; Italy; Norway; Switzerland; Australia; Mexico; Morocco; Brazil; Europe; international
SEEE (European Society for Ethnography of Education) is almost non-existent on the web. However, this article by the president of the society outlines the creation, the objectives and held conferences and informs about their Revue de la Société Européenne d'Ethnographie de l'Education (REEE). SEEE also uses a mailing list called ETNOEDU. The article appeared in: [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Ireland; Italy; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Poland; Romania; Slovenia; Spain; United Kingdom
The main aims of the Network are: to promote Intergenerational Learning (IGL) by bringing together practitioners throughout Europe; to facilitate the exchange of ideas, expertise and effective practice by establishing channels of communication; to create support structures for influencing policy through research, dissemination and advocacy.

AFEP is the French association for gifted and talented children and youths. AFEP is supported and aknowledged by the French Ministry for Education. The website offers information on the French legislative history concerning giftedness (including laws, decrees etc), on their activities, in formation for parents and children, a bibliography, links to partner organisations in [...]

Francophone Countries; France
In this article of 2009, the blog author Jean-Marie Gilliot gives a short overview over francophone information and projects in terms of OER. Gilliot is a researcher at Telecom Bretagne, a Grande École (specialised university) and research centre for engineering. [Source: Editors of Education Worldwide]

international; Africa; Africa South of the Sahara; Asia; Pacific Rim; Europe; France; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) unites researchers on Giftedness around the world. The website offers information on the biannual WCGTC World Conference, on national associations for gifted and talented children, on gifted support and events and news around the topic. Furthermore, WCGTC publishes a newsletter and a journal, the Gifted and Talented [...]

This blog entry offers links to some articles, dossiers or discussions about the planned educational reform ("Refondons l'école") in France under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon in 2012/2013.

Article written by the French teachers' union "Syndicat des enseignants - UNSA (SE-UNSA)". The articles presents the main suggestions for an educational reform in France made by the government under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon in 2012/2013 and states the union's position on these suggestions.

An article from the US news agency Associated Press, published by the US e-journal US News on Oct 5th 2012, author Lori Hinnant, about the planned educational reform under the French government of Hollande and the Minister for Education Peillon in 2012 / 2013.

An article published by the the Times, UK (Sept 6th 2012) about the planned educational reform under the French government of Hollande and the Minister for Education Peillon in 2012 / 2013.

German language article of the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger about the French debate on the planned educational reform under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon (2012/2013).

The link leads you to a overview of the articles published in the French journal Le Monde about the planned educational reform under President Hollande and Minister of Education Peillon in 2012. Le Monde is considered to be one of the most influential newspapers on public opinion in France, alongside with Le Figaro.

The biggest French labour union for educational matters and the public sector, the Fédération Syndicale Unitaire, offered a platform to discuss the planned educational reform of 2012/2013 under president Hollande and Minister of Education Peillon. You will find articles and statements by researchers, unionists, parents' and students' associations and many more.

A website provided by the French Ministry for Education under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon about the planned comprehensive educational reform in 2012 / 2013 (called "Refondons l'école" or also "Concertation sur la refondation de l'école"). The website appears as it was archived by the French government in 2016 (Internet Archive link). It offered a [...]

The Académie Réunion is subordinate to the French Ministry of Education and is responsible for the formation of the island, from early childhood to university. On the Internet portal of the Academy you will find information about the organization and program of the institution as well as current information for students.

Latin America; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Guyana; Jamaica; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Suriname; Trinidad and Tobago; Uruguay; Venezuela; France; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
The website of the Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) offers extensive link lists to institutions and websites of the primary, secondary and higher education field as well as to language courses and to scholarships. The links are arranged by country or by category.

The portal, maintained by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, provides information about the studies in France covering all important fields of studying and students' life like subjects of study, inscription and admission procedures or legal questions, furthermore an overview of financial issues (grants and scholarships), details for handicapped students, [...]

The Association for the Promotion of Equal Opportunity in Schools (APFÉÉ) unites persons which are active in the education or the social sector as well as volunteers of the fields of education and research as well as of enterprises. The association connects the schools with the parents, which principally are the furthest away, to make the equality of opportunities in schools [...]

The Training Centers for Methods of Active Education (CEMÉA) are a movement of persons which are engaged in the practics of the values and principles of the `Éducation Nouvelle` and which develop methods of active education to improve the milieus and institutions through the activation of individuals. They offer diverse internships in the quotidian fields of education, [...]

The National Council for Lifelong Professional Learning (CNFPTLV) is a space of communication for the government, economy and social partners as well as regional councils. It is its task to advise on legislation and reglementation, to evaluate regional politics and to analyse the financing in the fields of professional training and apprenticeship. For this purpose, it products [...]

The National Agency for the Fight againt Illiteracy (ANLCI) was founded in October 2000. It works together with people which are able to fight or to prevent illiteracy on an institutional level. Its roll is to gather and to optimize the energies, activities and resources of those people, to make the efficiency of their efforts visible. As a group of public interest, ANLCI [...]

The French High Council of Education (Haut Conseil de l'Éducation) is a consultative institution for the French educational system and it is composed of representatives of the important institutions of the French educational system. Founded due to the demand of the French ministry of education (Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la [...]

Created in 1945, and a national state organisation since 1987, the Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP) is known in France and internationally for its skills in assessment, training and evaluation, and for its ideas in the field of international cooperation in education. A benchmark public-sector provider, it draws on a network of experts and national and [...]

The AFDECE, formerly founded as ADECE in 1998 and renamed in 2004, unites university and school teachers, school administrators and other relevant officials from the sector of school and higher education administration. The organization aims to promote the exchange and the cooperation between the different education systems and wants to animate to comparative research studies. [...]

The Associaton des professeurs de langues vivantes (APLV) unites teachers of modern foreign languages from kindergarden until university. Founded in 1902, the organization stands for independence of the administration and syndicates. The website provides current news for its members in the field of modern languages regarding cultural aspects and presents background information [...]

Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Europe; Czechia; Russian Federation
The website provides short reports in English about the situation of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for each of the member countries of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). The reports are structured as follows: Introduction Overview Politics and Law Future trends/key concerns/directions Structure overview Key Providers/Main [...]

Switzerland; Germany; Austria; Poland; France; Portugal; Hungary; Estonia; Lithuania; Finland; Japan; New Zealand; Philippines
In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool.

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research) is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France's Ministry of Research. Founded in 1939 by governmental decree, the tasks of the CNRS are to evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural, [...]

Europe; Germany; Finland; France; Italy; Netherlands; Poland; Slovenia; United Kingdom
The GOETE project is concerned with understanding how education systems deal with the changing relation between education and social integration in the knowledge society. It analyses young people’s educational trajectories in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and the UK. Applying a life course perspective it asks how young people’s access to [...]

The organization “La Joie par les livres“ was founded in 1963 by a private sponsor, Anne Gruner-Schlumberger. The organization intends to provide children with free access to a library in their neighbourhood. The respective library was opened in 1965. Today, “La Joie par les livres“ is associated with the French National Library, more precisely with its department [...]

The Professional Syndicate for Childminders and Family Assistants (SPAMAF) was founded in 1988 and represents all categories of child care and family assistance. It distributes texts such as work contracts, technical information, legal texts and texts which inform about work conditions and conventions. Furthermore, there is an annual congress which discusses about the [...]

France; international; Europe
FICE Europe was founded by member countries of the Council of Europe in 1997, October 9th in Erfurt (Germany) having the agreement and support of the Federal Council of FICE International. It’s full name is: Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives – Europe (FICE Europe) The aims of FICE Europe are: Defending, representing and promoting the Rights of [...]

CAVLIAM was founded in 1964 by the university of Clermont-Ferrand and the city of Vichy. It offers intensive courses, preparation for studies in France, French with special learning objectives (e.g. for natural sciences, medicine, law...) and prepartion for language exams (DELF, DALF, CCIP, TCF, DAP, TEF), language stays for juniors, language and free time as well as special [...]

The association for Didactics of French as a foreign language (ASDIFLE) has been created to gather those who, in and outside France, are interested in didactics of French as a foreign language to raise awareness for the didactic in its scientific specifity. It wants to be a privileged place of encounter of teachers, researchers, public and private institutions which opens [...]

France; Francophone Countries
The RESF is a network which is composed of collectives, association movements, union movements, political support and of persons which are fighting against the estrangement of foreign children whose parents are estranged because they have no residence permit. The network has a strong internet presence; information about the different regions of France, about the RESF and [...]

The informal network for educational reflection is open for all those who deal with the child and youth care. It is a non-political, non-confessional organisation with the goal to comprehend how to educate children and adolescents in a way that they develop an individual and social equilibrium.

Information about universities and colleges, study courses, financing and application.

This website helps with the search for professions or formations. There is a profile search, a free text search and a search by interest. In addition, there are links to diverse professions including links to corresponding institutions.

The report offers an analysis of differences in education in France by department, region and local school administration from early childhood education to higher education. The data are organised by 30 indicators and presented in graphs and tables. The report is published every three years. For former reports starting in 1993, please follow the link at the end of the page. [...]

"Since its first edition in 1991, the State of Education reports on key indicators to analyse [the French] education system and assess the impact of policies implemented. Structured around the means used, conditions of schooling and pupil and student results, the publication highlights main developments and provides international comparisons." The issues [...]

Official site of the National Museum of Immigration in Paris. The museum opened in 2007 and presents the history of immigration to France. It is supposed to enforce the solidarity and integration of the French society. We link you to the sub-section "school and students" which provides a pedagogical access to the museum, including resources for teachers. [Abstract: Editors [...]

The association of teachers and educators in pre-school education (until 2006 ´Association Générale des Institutrices et Instituteurs des Ecoles et classes Maternelles publiques´ AGIEM) deals with current developments in its vocational field, informs about the daily work in pre-schools and features a list of publications. The website shows the range of activities of its [...]

The Fédération Pédagogie Steiner-Waldorf France is the umbrella organisation for French Waldorf schools and daycare centres. The website provides a list of Waldorf schools and daycare centres in France, information on the Waldorf pedagogy, on (further) education courses for teachers and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey
Insight, the web knowledge base for using information and communication technology at schools, offers this search option for country reports, accessible as full texts or summaries of varying dates. These country reports focus on the implementation of ICT at schools, the role of ICT in the curriculum, assessment of ICT competencies, provision of ICT resources and evaluation of [...]

Within the framework of the EU programme for Lifelong Learning, the national agency in France supports projects by providing information and counselling and networking services.

France; Francophone Countries
The network of French-speaking digital national libraries (Réseau francophone numériques) provides this document listing national libraries all over the world.

The website focuses on a database presenting French language resources (websites) on educational issues, from ministries and other recognised institutions such as the United Nations. These can be accessed by thematic dossiers on topics such as peace education, education and the internet, experimental science or diversity. Furthermore, the index is based on international [...]

Europe; Germany; France; Netherlands; Belgium; Austria; Finland; Greece; Denmark; Ireland; Iceland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Malta; Czechia; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Hungary; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of; Estonia; Georgia; Latvia; Luxemburg; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovenia; Spain; Turkey
Founded in 1997, European Schoolnet is the network of 31 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. Its main goal is to support the use of and training in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at school and in education. It therefore provides various country intersectional projects and initiatives of ICT-based learning and teaching methods and promotes [...]

international; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; United Kingdom; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Russian Federation; Sweden; Serbia; Turkey; Ukraine; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Canada; Mexico; United States of America (USA); Egypt; South Africa, Republic; Jordan; China, People's Republic of; India; Indonesia; Japan; Vietnam; Australia; New Zealand; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Ukraine; Serbia; Colombia; Algeria; Tunisia; Kenya; Senegal; Israel; Singapore; Malaysia; Vietnam; Thailand
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany (BMBF) links information on countries and multilateral organisations on this site, with a focus on education and research from an international perspective. Available only in German.

international; Australia; Canada; England; France; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Netherlands; New Zealand; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Singapore; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; South Africa, Republic; United States of America (USA); Wales; United Kingdom
INCA (1996-2013) provided descriptions of government policy on education in Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA and Wales. It focuses on curriculum, assessment and initial teacher training frameworks for pre-school, primary, [...]

Europe; Austria; Canada; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Iceland; Ireland; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Slovenia; Sweden; United Kingdom
NORFACE - New Opportunities for Research Funding Co-operation in Europe - is a partnership between 18 research councils to increase co-operation in research and research policy in Europe. The fifteen partners involved are the research councils for the social sciences from Austria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, [...]

Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Poland; Europe
Detailed Title of the Project: "Prevention of Violence by Improving the Relations between School (Teachers) and Parents; Development of a Special Teachertraining including the Use of New Information Technologies". Based on the Comenius 2.1 activities the project is to lead to the improvement of cooperation between schools and parents in European schools. In addition, the [...]

Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Kosovo; Croatia; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Sweden; Switzerland; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Czechia; Turkey; Ukraine; Hungary; Vatican City; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of
Currently country informations for applicants to study abroad in a European country are only available in German. In order to get this service you have to choose a specific country. At the country page you will find the address of the regional bureau of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), cultural and educational information, a link list as well as information about [...]

Caribbean; international; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; Bermuda; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Guadeloupe; Grenada; Haiti; Martinique; Montserrat; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; Jamaica; United Kingdom; France; United States of America (USA)
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in the Caribbean. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association [...]

Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Austria; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Greenland; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Russian Federation; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Vatican City; Turkey; Malta
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in Europe. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association of [...]

Australia; Oceania; Fiji; Guam; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Nauru; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Islands; Tuvalu; Northern Mariana Islands; international; United States of America (USA); France
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in Australia and Oceania. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International [...]

The teacher union has been established in 1992. It represents teacher with the following French occupational titles: instituteurs, professeurs des écoles (inclusive école maternelle), des collèges, des lycées et lycées professionnels, technologiques, des enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive, des conseillers principaux d' éducation, enseignants spécialisés, [...]

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in France.

international; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Colombia; Comoros; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Fiji; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kiribati; Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Laos; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; North Macedonia; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Malta; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Mexico; Micronesia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Mongolia; Morocco; Mozambique; Montenegro; Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Palestinian Territories; Oman; Pakistan; Palau; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Russian Federation; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierre Leone; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa, Republic; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Suriname; Eswatini; Eswatini; Sweden; Switzerland; Syria; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe
This page provides a country list with fact sheets on the Human Development Index (HDI). The index focuses on three measurable dimensions of human development: health, education and standard of living. The fact sheets are enriched by statistical comparable data on life expectancy, school enrolment, literacy, illiteracy rate, income and promotion of women and thereby allows a [...]

This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of France. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.

international; Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canada; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; North Macedonia; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Luxemburg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Moldova, Republic of; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Europe
The European gateway to recognition of academic and professional qualifications offers national profiles according to the following structure: National Information Centres, National education bodies, System of education, University education, Quality assurance, Post-secondary non-university education, Recognized higher education institutions, Policies and procedures for the [...]

The website of the French Ministry of National Education provides an overview of the activities and educational constituents of the Ministry, information about the educational system including educational reports and statistics, information on educational policy and development (including official documents etc) and information for teachers (training, jobs etc). There used to [...]

France; international
Each French "scientific region" (académie) has an international representative (DAREIC) which co-ordinates school exchange, international activities of schools, programmes for teachers' linguistic improvement and respective pedagogical assistance to schools. The homepage provides addresses of all DAREICs. The "académies" are an administrative structure of the French [...]

This website provides access to precise information on the French higher education system, study courses, preparation of a study sojourn for foreign applicants, opportunities of financing studies, promotion and advice, practical information and useful links.

France; Europe
Innova observes and analyses theoretical and practical developments in the field of innovations in the national education policies of the (15) EU-member states. The texts of the respective research and state-of- the-art reports, other publications and a bibliography are accessible via this homepage. General topics are: equal opportunities, learning of foreign languages, [...]

This website is intended to serve as a platform for information, advice and exchange for all persons interested in the topic of science education in the elementary and primary sector. This is done through online and print documents, discussion lists, subscription to current information, search engines, publications and expert consultation.

The CNCRE operated from 1995 to 2000, aiming at coordinating several big studies (synthesis, orientation, evaluation) on the state of educational research in France. CNCRE was affiliated to the National Institute for Pedagogical Research (INRP) which since 2010 has become the French Institute for Education (ifé). This archive website of the CNCRE provides the results and [...]

This organization is an advisory body to the Ministry in the field of reading (learning and perfectioning, reading difficulties). It does research in this field and disseminates the results, works on improving reading instruction at school and provides answers to questions of the public. The web site provides detailed information about the work and services of the ONL.

Caribbean; international; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bermuda; British Virgin Islands; Costa Rica; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guyana; Haiti; Jamaica; Cayman Islands; Cuba; Martinique; Mexico; Netherlands Antilles; Puerto Rico; Trinidad and Tobago; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; United Kingdom; France; Netherlands; United States of America (USA)
The list contains links to universities, colleges and schools in the Caribbean area. The navigation point "courses" offers links to alphabetically ordered study programs world wide.

The institute calls itself an educational movement which is engaged in research about and diffusion of Freinet-pedagogy. The website provides information about Freinet-pedagogy, regional working groups, the actions which were carried out and publications.

Within the framework of the national education of France, the "Greta" are in charge of adult education in most of the professions. Gretas are a group of local institutions which organize and perform further education courses for adults with respective final examinations and diploma. The website provides information about where one can take courses in which professions, who are [...]

Since the French law for equality of opportunities and rights (2005), the Promotion of school integration of disabled children increased. The website presents various texts, statements and political declarations concerning this issue, the texts of legal prescriptions, reports and dossiers, references to publications and multimedia resources and a link list.

France; Europe
This text presents the most important organizations of the European Union in the field of education, to the European action programs and to various texts about a common European education policy, e. g. recognition of diploma and the construction of a European higher education space.

This website provides links to texts about the cooperation of French universities with tertiary institutions in various regions of the world, e.g. french-italian, french-german, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and links to cooperation programs in science and technology.

Link list of the large and important national educational organizations and centres which are under the supervision of the Education Ministry

This website proivides information for foreign students who want to study in France: admission regulations, inscription, recognition of qualifications; furthermore, there is a direct link to the site "higher education"

This website of the French Ministry of Education offers a brief overview of key figures on education (quantity of pupils, teachers, certificates, institutions, and finances). You will furthermore find links to the following publications: "Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche" und "L'éducation nationale en chiffres". [...]

This web site provides comprehensive information about the network of French university libraries, their activities, organization and services. For example, there are links to texts about user education, dissemination of doctoral theses, cataloguing and digitalization, documentation systems, publications and data bases and information for the library professionals.

The Pôle emploi, a fusion of the Agence Nationale de l`Emploi (ANPE)and the network Association pour l`emploi dans l`industrie et le commerce (Assédic) is a sort of electronic national labour office with regional departments. The website is structured into a room for job seekers and one for employers. Additionally, there is a news corner. Information is provided about job [...]

This website of the French Public Administration provides information for the citizen - in this case the handicapped one - who wants to learn about his / her rights and the ways how to push them through. The link list at the left has, among others, links to: financial aid for handicapped persons, handicapped children, vocational training and labour market for the handicapped.

This association has three objectives: a) to promote knowledge about enterprises among youth and teachers, b) do create knowledge about the development of the vocations in order to match supply and demand and c) to promote the integration of youth in the world of labour. This is done by a national structure and local school-business working groups. The website provides access [...]

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Alsace, France. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]

France; Europe
This international institute regards itself as an experienced and innovative service provider in elaborating educational policy, the evaluation of educational reforms and the provision of education and training programs at European, national and institutional level. The focus of its work is education policy in a European context. The website compiles information about the [...]

Francophone Countries; international; France
The homepage of this association of francophone comparative educational researchers provides information on the organisation (members, organizational structure), activities (congresses, publications) and more (information material, yearbook, news). Until 2011, the AFEC website could be found under . [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The homepage of the French Association of Mathematics Teachers has links to texts about the organization itself, its publications, services, activities and statements and databases concerning problems of mathematics instruction.

This text, composed in october 2005, comments shortly about some French results of PISA in the field of mathematics and offers some further links for the French PISA results.

This pdf-file (6 pp) presents an overview of the French PISA-results, including a comparison with the other participant countries.

The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed here in large numbers. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about [...]

The main missions of this institute are: 1) Dissemination of expertise and counseling in the field of prevention and promotion of health, 2) the development of health education and therapeutic education. The website offers information about the organizational structure and members of the institute, provides data bases with literature and other resources about health education [...]

This website of the French public administation povides information on family law, parents' and children law. Among others, there are section on school and higher education where you will find information on how to register foreign children for school on France. Unfortunately, this website is only available in French. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This website of the French public administration offers an opportunity for all citizens to get information about their rights in vocational education. There is a pre-prepared list of themes which includes VET for specific groups (e.g. handicapped, youth, unemployed), but one may also search for one' s own specific questions.

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; England; Scotland; Wales
The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education provides national overviews of special needs education in numerous European countries. The information includes the following topics: legal system, financing, identification of special educational needs, special needs education within the education system, teacher training, - basic and specialist teacher training, [...]

This website of the Minister of Solidarity and Social Cohesion shows documents, studies, dossiers, statistics, an overview of the publications and official guidelines combined with practical information for specific parts of the society, especially older people, family and childhood, women and their equality and handicapped people.

"Priority education" is a French focus programme in educational policy that has its origins in the 1980ies and that led to the socalled "priority education areas" (ZEP). The aim of the programme was a greater equity in educational opportunities, especially for socially disadvantaged children. The official website for this programme provies background information on the [...]

This URL provides the entry to all information about the teacher education institutes at universities: the courses of study, educational and documentary resources (teaching material in a broad sense), the IT facilities, research and international contacts. Additionally there are links to discussion lists and search engines. A country map provides links to the local IUFMs.

This national institution enables about 70,000 adults per year to complement their vocational qualification in 7 occupational areas on an university level. Additionally, eight comprehensive research fields are operated; the third basis of CNAM is a museum and a scientific - technological library. The homepage presents a full text with integrated links containing all relevant [...]

This website provides the text of the education part of an action plan of the French government which shall contribute to enhance the use of the internet.

This union represents those French teachers who work as documentalists in the schools and are responsible for the application of media and technologies. The website provides information about the union itself, the occupational profile, recruitment and official texts, the actions and publications of the union, e.g. the full text of the members' newsletter.

This brief presentation of the education system in France was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Denmark; Germany; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Eritrea; Estonia; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guatemala; Grenada; Greece; Guinea; Guyana; Haiti; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Iran; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Yemen; Jordan; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Kazakhstan; Qatar; Kenya; Colombia; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Croatia; Cuba; Kuwait; Laos; Lesotho; Latvia; Lebanon; Libya; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Madagascar; Maldives; Malawi; Malaysia; Mali; Malta; Morocco; Mauritania; North Macedonia; Mexico; Mongolia; Montenegro; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nepal; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Netherlands; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Oman; Austria; Pakistan; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Rwanda; Romania; Russian Federation; Zambia; Saudi Arabia; Sweden; Switzerland; Senegal; Serbia; Zimbabwe; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sri Lanka; Saint Lucia; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Suriname; Syria; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Trinidad and Tobago; Chad; Czechia; Turkey; Tunisia; Ukraine; Hungary; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Vietnam; Central African Republic; Cyprus, Republic of; international
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). In contrast to these, the PEER portal focuses more strongly on the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) and on achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) "Quality Education". The country profiles contain the following topics: Overview, Inclusion, Financing [...]

French Polynesia; France
The homepages provides links to full text information about the education system, the Ministry and its departments, the education law, school statistics, the schools and teachers. The text ("Mot du Ministre" on the homepage is a presentation of the education policy.

Latin America; Caribbean; Virgin Islands of the United States; Argentina; Barbados; Belize; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Ecuador; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Guyana; Honduras; Jamaica; Colombia; Cuba; Martinique; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Puerto Rico; Suriname; Trinidad and Tobago; Uruguay; Venezuela; United States of America (USA); France
This list provides, first, links to the higher education institutions in the countries (alphabetically arranged), followed by links to international higher education resources, international educational exchanges and to information about scholarships and grants.

international; Asia; North America; South America; Central America; Africa; Europe; Japan; Indonesia; India; Hong Kong; Morocco; Tunisia; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Mozambique; Kenya; Egypt; Algeria; Puerto Rico; Panama; Mexico; Guatemala; El Salvador; Canada; Venezuela; Peru; Ecuador; Colombia; Chile; Brazil; Bolivia; Argentina; Ukraine; Serbia; Switzerland; Sweden; Spain; Russian Federation; Romania; Portugal; Poland; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Lithuania; Kyrgyzstan; Italy; Hungary; Greece; Germany; France; Finland; Denmark; Czechia; Bulgaria; Belgium; Austria; Yemen; Vietnam; United Arab Emirates; Turkey; Thailand; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Singapore; Philippines; Pakistan; Oman; Nepal; Mongolia; Malaysia; Laos; Jordan; Israel; Iran; China, People's Republic of; Taiwan; Channel Islands; Caribbean; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
TEFL stands for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language". This website offers information on the situation of teaching English in various countries.

The website of the research and service laboratory "Department of the History of Education" provides information about the research programme, seminars and conferences and publications of the department and shows the content pages of the review "Histoire de l`éducation". A database "International Guide for Research in the History of Education" is announced. Furthermore, an [...]

The Association of French University Staff and Researchers in Education was founded in 1971 and has more than 400 members. The website provides information about its tasks and organisational structure, about events, conferences, publications and journals in educational sciences, as well as on other associations and research institutions in education. To communicate with fellow [...]

The aim of the association is to promote the teaching, research, training, application and creation of knowledge in the field of Information and Communication Technologies applied to Education ( TICE). The homepage refers to texts of declarations of ATIEF, content pages of the review "Sciences et techniques éducatives" (STE), information about research groups in this subject [...]

The observatory observes the use of the new information and communication technologies in education. The homepage refers to texts about the annual conferences of ORME, its dossiers (with order form), projects and conferences and a data base with full texts.

IGEN and IGAENR are the principal authorities of the French education inspection which evaluates and controls all types of educational institutions, its personnel and contents, and supplies the Ministry with proposals for education policy. The website informs about the organizational structure and the activities of IGEN and IGAENR and provides full texts of its published [...]

France runs 470 primary and secondary schools with 280,000 students in 130 countries of the world. AEFE is the official organization (associated to the Foreign Office) which cares of these schools. The website contains information about living, teaching and studying at a school abroad, organizational issues, texts of legal documents (see repères) and a list of the French [...]

France; Europe; international
The website of the French Ministry of Education provides information on France`s international coordination and cooperation in education: schools abroad, study abroad of French students and of foreign students in France, cooperation in the field of schools, higher education and research, French language instruction abroad, German, English and foreign language instruction in [...]

France; international
A list of associations that work in the field of education and are officially accredited and sometimes subsidised by the French Ministry of Education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Description of the regulations for the recognition of foreign diploma and certificates (degrees of secondary schools and higher education) and of the prerequisites for foreign graduates to take up employment in France. The addresses of the institutions applicants must contact are given, too.

This URL provides access to information about all issues concerning the services of French university libraries, including documentary services and access to the servers and catalogues of the libraries, publications, related organizations and vocational education of library and documentation personnel.

The CNVL is a body of elected representatives of secondary pupils. The council has an advisory function for the Education Ministry in matters of school work and of the financial, social, cultural and sportive life in the lycées. Unfortunately, the website doesn't seem to be up to date any more, the last information being the one on the autumn meeting in 2013. [Abstract: [...]

Since 2022, the representative body of French universities has been called "France Universités". It was previously known as the "Conférence des présidents d'université - CPU" (Conference of University Presidents). The website provides information on its tasks, higher education policy positions, members and publications. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This website can be used as a very comprehensive entrance to information about the French education system, mainly school education. The index page offered here has links to texts (programs and courses) for the primary school, the general and the vocational secondary school, curriculum subjects the programs for the priority education zones, continuing education for teachers [...]

This website contains multilingual information about the French school system: nursery school; civics education; modern languages; education in the arts; information technologies in education; managing student educational difficulties; priority education; school education in figures; glossary of abbreviations. [English homepage: substitute D0039 for D0034 in the URL]

This link list gives a rather heterogeneous impression. It lists resources from official bodies (ministries, national organizations) and from "other resources". By clicking "edu" in the navigation bar at the top of the homepage a link list for education is provided.

The Forum is a non-profit oganization which brings together the various players in the field of open and distance learning. The website gives texts about the charter, the activities (publications, conferences etc.) of the organization. [This is the homepage for French and English versions].

INTERCARIF is the association of the Centres d'Animation et de Ressources de l`Information sur la Formation (CARIF) and the Observatoires régionaux emploi formation (OREF) which exist in each French region. By clicking the single parts of the map a list of these regional centres is presented which shows the local resources of trainings, documentary sources and other [...]

The website of this union of secondary teachers presents information about current professional issues concerning its members in the various branches of the secondary school system (e.g. salaries, teacher education, services of the SNCL) and the union's statements regarding French school policy.

A search engine gives access to all information secondary school students should have about the French secondary school leaving examinations (baccalauréat), e.g. official regulations, admission, realization, results, statistics, elaboration of the exam themes.

Haiti; Caribbean; Martinique; Guadeloupe; Guyana; France
This site shows links for universities and other tertiary institutions in Haiti and one responsible for the Antilles and Guyana.

The web-site of the professional association of French information and documentation specialists offers - besides information about the association - full texts about the fields and occupational profiles of the occupation, training courses and continuing education, congresses, and articles from the journal edited by ADBS. There are also lists of addresses of information [...]

The web-site provides information about study courses, continuing education, research and library services of this college for library and information sciences. An electronic journal "Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France" is accessible.

France is subdivided into 30 regional administration districts (académies) which may called up through this site. Then the educational institutions and other educational information concerning the respective region may be clicked.

This site provides all important information useful for foreign students and researchers who intend to study or do research in France. The homepage has the following links: 1) The French higher education system, 2) course catalogue, 3) French society, 4) living in France, 5) preparing your visit, 6) EGIDE services and actualities. [English version with extension uk/home. htm]

List of public institutions in higher education and research in France that are subject to the Ministry of Education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The centre works on all problems of labour market and occupational research; the homepage leads to the documentation unit with searchable databases, cooperations with universities, publications of the CEE, its research program and seminars.

IREDU is located at the University of Bourgogne and has a focus on the sociology and economy of education. Furthermore, IREDU is a partner institute of the Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Qualifications (CEREQ). The website provides information on the structure and activities of IREDU, study opportunities, research projects, publications (partly fulltexts), events, [...]

This URL provides all information about the private education sector in France. Among others there are links to texts about further education and labour market in this sector, publications and information materials.

This web-site offers information for applicants which are valuable for beginning a study time in France. The website contains information about "studies and employment" and includes, among others, links concerning studies abroad; other sections are "leisure time and culture" and information concerning the "daily life" of the prospective students. Places for work and practical [...]

This is a link list for all courses of studies and other training programs for academic professions in France, including distance studies; the web-sites of higher education institutions and of the secondary schools are searchable. There is also a glossary, and the button "SCUIO" opens the addresses of the guidance offices of the universities.

The association represents the French Grandes Écoles as well as foreign higher education institutions of excellence that meet the membership criteria relating to structure, recruitment methods, teaching methods and support provided to students. The CGE accredits its members´ educational programmes and represents the institutions´ interests towards politics, economy and [...]

This brief country profile of France is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the higher education isntitutions of the country. The information is structured as follows: structure of the education system ( types of schools and leaving certificates, types of higher education institutions); higher [...]

List of links and addresses of the various labour unions for the personnel in education, research, higher education, training, clubs and societies, retired people and culture under the roof of the CGT.

The FSU was created in 1993. Besides UNSA Education and FNEC-FP FO, it is one of the biggest federations of teachers' unions in France. The website provides information on the FSU's organisation, its education policy goals and programmes for the next years, and the general union policies including current developments and news. Moreover, FSU also has several regular [...]

The Guilde is an association in the Internet which provides information and resources devoted to PhD-training in France. The homepage has links to information texts about doctoral training, the thesis, labour opportunities for graduates, additional useful links, a search engine, discussion list and journal. (Abridged versions of the French web-site are available in English, [...]

Webseite of the French Centre for Research on Education and Training at the University Paris Nanterre. You will find information on the centre and its 4 research foci: * adult education * Knowledge and its transmission * Crisis, school and sensitive grounds * family education and social interventions. Each research focus has its own website including information on [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The full text describes the following research areas: self-directed and autonomous foreign language learning, language acquisition, cultural dimensions, learning material and technologies for foreign language instruction.

The research program of the Institute is focused on: social changes and the development of education, professional identities of teaching personnel and practice of teaching. The homepage offers links to texts about the program, courses and conferences, publications (e.g. the journal "Les Sciences de l'Éducation pour l'Ère Nouvelle").

The IREMs have the mission to provide continuing education for mathematics teachers and to do practically relevant and basic research on mathematics instruction. The homepage offers links leading to publications, lectures and conferences, the research topics ( arranged in links for secondary and elementary schools).

The IREMs have the mission to provide continuing education for mathematics teachers and to make practically relevant and basic research on mathematics instruction. The homepage of the Marseille IREM offers links leading to publications, lectures and conferences, the research topics (arranged in links for specific secondary schools - Lycée Professionel) , an overview about [...]

The IREMs have the mission to provide continuing education for mathematics teachers and to make practically relevant and basic research on mathematics instruction. The homepage of the Paris IREM offers links leading to publications, lectures and conferences, the research topics (arranged in links for specific secondary schools) and teaching examples.

The homepage of this parents' union offers links to full texts about current issues of school policy, to texts and publications of the PEEP, direct information and counselling of parents and a documentary database which can be consulted for "all knowledge for our children"

In France, frequently abbreviations are used for the names of institutions (in the education world) and for the names of certifications. This table translates these abbreviations into the full names.

The Centre was installed by the Ministry for Youth and Sports and offers information for adolescents about "all topics that may interest them": orientation about vocational training and professions, health, sports, leisure, practical life, youth projects, European information. Via data base search one can find places for practical work.

The Centre and its 28 Regional Centres attends the improvement of living conditions of the French students, offers service for foreign students and promotes student mobility in Europe. Full texts about coming to France to study, international relations, European programmes concerning the mission of CNOUS, student social services in France.

Founded in 1921, Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) is the largest university publishing house in France. We link you to the book section on "education and society". You will find books, but no journal is published by PUF in the educational sciences. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The FCPE, a Federation of parents` organisations in France, was founded in 1947. According to their own statement, FCPE is the "most representative parents` council" of France because the majority of persons in the parents' participation bodies of the French school system are members of the FCPE. The homepage gives access to statements of the FCPE concerning current school [...]

This site has been prepared for people interested in social work and "for all persons concerned with special education"; it contains a wealth of information. Beside an employment market for relevant jobs, discussion lists, and full texts about the formation of social workers, the site mainly consists of a collection of links (with short descriptions) arranged under the [...]

The texts of the law gazette of the Education Ministry is available online under this URL since the issue of June 11, 1998. The Bulletin is published weekly. The homepage provides an easily understandable direction for use and links to the indexes of each issue. The full texts can be downloaded as pdf-files.

The Centre for research on education, training and employment makes studies and statistical surveys on the training - employment relationship. The homepage shows links to texts about the departments, tasks and missions of the centre (documentation centre, publications, bookstore, discussion groups) and services (e.g. a network of associated centres). Direct access is provided [...]

The IGAENR is directly attached to the Education Ministry; it is a sort of "super inspectorate" which watches over the efficient functioning of the whole education system by controlling the functioning, evaluating the efficiency of all educational institutions and giving advice to the political authorities. The homepage offers a short text and links to full texts about the [...]

This site is produced by the Education Ministry and shows links to the local information centres which can be searched by département or by community. With the link "l'orientation" a small full text about professional orientation of pupils and full texts about aspects of vocational guidance can be selected, e.g. history, recent conceptions, counsellors, European dimension [...]

The website gives a list of courses which this private distance study institution provides. The focus is on the areas of commercial, administrative, social work and information / electronic technology occupations and foreign languages. The courses are classified in 9 categories and the prospective customer may order a complete description of the preferred course.

The French Ministry of Labour and Health is also responsible for vocational education and has installed an own department for this section (Formation professionnelle / Apprentissage). The URL is the entry to this area which offers full texts on the legal basis of work and vocational education, research and statistics and links to publications and documents and to the regional [...]

The regional centre is serving professional instructors of all kinds as a source for their initial and continuing education. It provides scientific information about continuing and adult education. For this purpose it offers: training courses and forums, documentary databases with over 6000 references (literature, audiovisual aids), and educational resources (thematic [...]

The Institute for Work and Vocational Guidance is a branch of the CNAM. Its missions are: 1) initial and continuing education of ( vocational) guidance personnel, 2) research in the area of the psychological foundations of vocational guidance (done in an institute at the university Paris V) and 3) operating an information centre with library and test- library. Furthermore the [...]

Labour union covering about 300 sub-institutions. The FFP organizes persons who are working as vocational trainers in private organisations. Besides the description of activities and structure of the union the publication of a yearbook is announced.

The Centre Inffo an information centre for vocational (continuing) training under the aegis of the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Health. Its role as a resource centre for processing and disseminating information is to devise and set up development programmes for information, documentation and studies in the field of continuing vocational training. It co-ordinates [...]

Germany; France
The DFJW / OFAJ aims to promote the German-French cultural exchange for young people and students. Conducting this function, it supports young persons, institutions, associations, communes and other organizations on the route to a fruitful partnership. On its website, the Youth Office offers useful information, dossiers and cultural and lingual exchange opportunities including [...]

The Centre is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and associated with the CNDP; it was founded in 1983. Its mission is to promote, especially by means of training activities, multiple use of news media in teaching. The following activities are described: Liaison between teachers and news professionals, training, documentation of materials about "media and the [...]

Formerly know as Association Française des *Administrateurs* de l`Education (AFAE) founded in 1978, AFAE is open to all persons working in the educational sector and willing to improve the quality of education in France. The website provides information on the association's organisation and goals, news, events and publications (a journal and a reference book both subject to [...]

ABES is a public national institution under the tutelage of the French Education Ministry. Founded in 1995, its mission is to operate a university documentation system as information network of the French university libraries ("Système universitaire de documentation SU"). ABES records and locates the resources of the French university libraries and gives access to them via [...]

La Documentation francaise is a central service administrative direction of the Prime Minister with the function to inform citizens, public administration and professionals about "basic and actual problems interesting France and the world", i.e. political. economic and social actualities. The homepage shows the three fields of action: 1) documentation: collecting documentary [...]

The AFPA is the largest organization in the field of adult professional education in France and Europe. Its tasks are counselling, advice and information for employees and job seekers as well as for State and Territorial administrations and employers in the administration of human resources. The homepage has links to training programs, the various services for employers and [...]

The homepage of this apparently leftist student union presents links leading to guides for students, actions and political statements of UNEF, forums and and press publications, and also a list of www- links with job offers.

Colourful but not well arranged homepage of the greatest teacher union in secondary education. The links are leading to full texts with publications, statements and political positions of the union. A second sort of full texts is concerned with information and advices for teachers' practical work, e.g. texts of legal regulations or how to calculate one' s salary.

UNSA Education, known as Fédération de l`Education nationale (FEN) from 1930 to 2000, is the federation of more than 20 teacher unions which represent teachers and other education staff. Besides FSU Enseignement and FNEC-FP FO, it is one of the biggest federations of teachers' unions in France. The website provides information on UNSA's organisation, its education policy [...]

The ADEAF is the association for French German-language teachers in France. It promotes the dissemination of German language in France and works in close cooperation with the DFJW / OFAJ (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk / Office franco-allemand pour la Jeunesse), the Goethe institutes and Austrian cultural institutions and the French-language teachers` association in [...]

The institute is an organization of the Ministry for Youth and Sports. Its aims are to promote youth education, the activities of youth associations and actions in favour of adolescents and to develop international cooperation in these areas. The homepage offers links to: the French Youth Council, the documentary resources of INJEP ( databases and other services), [...]

This institution examines and evaluates universities, schools and other (cultural) establishments in charge of the Education Ministry. It prepares recommendations for improving quality and efficiency of the French education system. The homepage contains links to: a description of CNE, contact addresses, phone numbers and e-mail numbers of CNE, full-text information of [...]

The office, founded unter the protection of the French Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is the official information centre concerning school issues, studies, professions and vocational training. The information relates to most of the professions for which training is available. An "atlas" describes the school and higher education [...]

The LSCP is a research laboratory. The LSCP focuses on the biological and psychological foundations underlying high-level mental processes such as Language, Mathematicsand Reasoning. Investigations on veryyoung infants and adults, and sometimes on brain-injured patients. Use of the experimental technics of cognitive psychology and cognitive neuropsychology.

With special reference to the region Ile de France this site offers comprehensive information about vocational training and continuing training opportunities. Additionally, there are full texts about various issues of vocational education: official texts, legal documents and studies, programmes for the introduction of adolescents into the labour market and a special site [...]

The National Statistical Office in France offers key figures, detailed data, studies and analyses on education that can be selected by geographical level. The data is also available in English. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The National Centre for Distance Studies is the greatest of its sort in the francophone area. The homepage gives access to comprehensive information about tasks and activities concerning distance learning focussing on distance courses for school and high education and vocational training.

Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Switzerland; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Croatia; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Turkey; Europe; Austria
Eurydice (formerly Eurypedia and Eurybase) is a network of national units based in all countries of the Erasmus+ programme. [Its] task is to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work. Eurydice publishes descriptions of national education systems, comparative reports devoted to specific topics, indicators and statistics, as well as news and [...]

This Centre is concerned with research in information technologies and professional training in this field. The website has information about the research programs, courses and publications of the CRI.

The French Ministry of Education has its own department for statistics, reports and evaluation, the Depp. It offers a wide variety of statistical data and educational reports on specific topics or educational sectors. Some publications are available in English. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The "National Institut of Education" (formerly Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique INRP) is the central institution for organisation, implementation, coordination and evaluation of French educational research. The website provides information on educational research and infrastructure in France: information on the organisation and activities of ifé, on institutions of [...]

Canopé, formerly "Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP)", is the national French information and documentation network for teachers to help them with their daily classroom practice. The website provides mainly (official) texts about various practical issues in the 3 school levels, information about teaching aids and material, products and catalogues of [...]

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