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School policy at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: school policy

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The website gives an overview of the missions and responsibilities of the ministry and its departments.

Cnesco is composed of researchers, parlamentarians, and members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. It is in charge of doing analyses, studies, and evaluations of the French educational system and give advice based on their results. The website, which is also available in English, provides fulltext documents of reports based on evaluations etc. in different [...]

This French Wikipedia article provides an overview of the history of teachers' unions in France as well as of current developments and existing unions in the field of education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Besides UNSA Education and FSU, FNEC-FP FO is one of the biggest federations of teachers' unions in France. The website mainly provides news from the respective unions of FNEC-FP as well as general union news. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

An article of Arnd Zickgraf about managing education in Sweden. Developments and reasons are given for the success of the Swedish school system with its juxtaposition of local autonomy and national objectives as an instrument of control.

; England; Scotland; international
The Virtual Issue, published online as volume 35 of th eBritish Journal of Special Education, hosts four articles on the topic of "special needs education" and "learning support". P First published in 2008, the articles focus on the topic of "inclusive" versus mainstream education and highlight some challenges to the debate.

"Gifted and Talented Network Ireland is the national association in Ireland advocating for the educational needs of gifted children and supporting parents of gifted children. GT Network is a network of Gifted Advocacy Groups in Ireland." Among others, the network advocates for "specific Initial Teacher Education in the needs of gifted children" and for "the inclusion of the [...]

An article from the US news agency Associated Press, published by the US e-journal US News on Oct 5th 2012, author Lori Hinnant, about the planned educational reform under the French government of Hollande and the Minister for Education Peillon in 2012 / 2013.

This blog entry offers links to some articles, dossiers or discussions about the planned educational reform ("Refondons l'école") in France under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon in 2012/2013.

Article written by the French teachers' union "Syndicat des enseignants - UNSA (SE-UNSA)". The articles presents the main suggestions for an educational reform in France made by the government under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon in 2012/2013 and states the union's position on these suggestions.

An article published by the the Times, UK (Sept 6th 2012) about the planned educational reform under the French government of Hollande and the Minister for Education Peillon in 2012 / 2013.

German language article of the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger about the French debate on the planned educational reform under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon (2012/2013).

Burkina Faso
The official homepage of the ministry for basic primary education and alphabetisation presents information about the ministry itsself and its activities and educative programs in the field of primary school education. It is focussed on the political guidelines, esp. educative objectives, decrees and legislation and, on the other hand, necessary details concerning school life [...]

Burkina Faso
The official homepage of the ministry for secondary and higher education and scientific research presents the ministry with its political objectives, plans, laws and guidelines including administration data. Additionally, the site contains information and documents about the education system with its recently initiated reform process, about school and university institutions, [...]

International Education Exchange (IEE) is working with the Government of Rwanda to support public education by training teachers, creating school partnerships, and improving infrastructure. As the number of children in school increases rapidly, the Government of Rwanda is now also focusing on the quality of education. A primary emphasis contributing to quality education is [...]

The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research offers general information about the contents and goals of the country concerning the field of education policy and science research. Besides, in the sectors education, research, language, youth, ministry and minister, the website presents details on political conditions and laws, funding processes, programmes, statistics, [...]

Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Norway; Iceland; Greenland; Faroe Islands; Northern Europe
Nordic inter-governmental co-operation on research and education is headed up by the education and research ministers, who make up the MR-U. The role of the Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research is to help ensure that the Nordic Region retains a leading position as a knowledge and skills region. Nordic co-operation involves Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway [...]

The VSLCH represents the interests of its members towards all federal and cantonal authorities as well as organisations from education, culture and the economy. It aims at co-operation with other school management associations and takes part in all education-relevant topics concerning compulsory education level.

This brief outline of the situation of information and communication technology (ICT) at schools in Poland has not been updated since 2003: it was delivered for the Insight website on ICT and schools. The author briefly sketches the objective of leading Poland towards the EU Lisbon Strategy for a knowledge-based society, and illustrates that owing to the decentralised [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey
Insight, the web knowledge base for using information and communication technology at schools, offers this search option for country reports, accessible as full texts or summaries of varying dates. These country reports focus on the implementation of ICT at schools, the role of ICT in the curriculum, assessment of ICT competencies, provision of ICT resources and evaluation of [...]

United Kingdom
NPH is not a Union, and does not seek to take on the roles and responsibilities of the established Unions and Associations. It speaks out on current issues, especially the funding of primary school education.

Equatorial Guinea
The site presents the targets of the five-year-programme to improve the education system in Equatorial Guinea.

This is the official site of the Afghan ministry of education. It provides information about the reconstruction of the education system. Most parts of the site are under construction.

This site presents a five-year strategic benchmark to rise the level of education in Afghanistan. It comprises the following programmes: 1. primary and secondary education, 2. higher education, 3. skills development and 4. culture, media, and sport.

The Website of the Ministry of Education of Bhutan provides information about the ministry itself as well as a General Education Curriculum, information about the education structure and the number of schools.

The Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) was established in 1983 to provide national advocacy and leadership in curriculum. It draws its membership from all levels and sectors. The website informs about ACSA, its publications and projects.

United Kingdom
The Department for Education publishes official documents (white papers, green papers, strategy papers) on this site. Documents can be downloaded or ordered online. The publications can be filtered by keyword, topic, publication type, etc.

China, People's Republic of
Urged by media and advocates, Beijing and many other Chinese cities have issued regulations to provide and guarantee basic education for migrant laborers' children. This full text with photos explains how the situation of children - whose parents left their villages to find a job in one of the big cities - has changed now in view of school attendance under the new conditions.

The National Education Policy for India is grounded in a paper dated 1968, which has since been amended several times.

"At a glance: Eritrea" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: India" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Iran" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Jamaica" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Kuwait" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Ecuador" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Ghana" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Guatemala" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Kenya" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Australia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data on primary school attendance , adult literacy and topics other [...]

"At a glance: Argentina" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Brazil" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Bolivia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Colombia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Chile" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Armenia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Azerbaijan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

The UNICEF country profiles provide a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Bosnia and Herzegovina
"At a glance: Bosnia and Herzegovina" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance [...]

"At a glance: Bulgaria" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Croatia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Cape Verde
"At a glance: Cape Verde" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Georgia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Cuba" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Kazakhstan " provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea)
"At a glance: Democratic Republic of Korea" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund ( UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school [...]

"At a glance: Kyrgyzstan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Latvia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Lithuania" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Moldova, Republic of
"At a glance: Moldova" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Mongolia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Djibouti" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Romania" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Russian Federation
"At a glance: Russian Federation" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and [...]

"At a glance: Serbia and Montenegro" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and [...]

"At a glance: Mozambique" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Tajikistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

North Macedonia
"At a glance: Macedonia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Turkmenistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Ukraine" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Uzbekistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Ethiopia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) provides statistical data related to children and youth in the respective countries. The statistical data refer to education, early childhood, child health or child protection, among others.

This school portal is the result of cooperation between "Education Highway" and Ministry of Education. Various links are offered referring to the categories Information, Communication, Co-operation and Service. Particularly for teachers an Intranet is being offered. Users have to register for access.

The paper was presented at the 4th Caribbean Early Childhood Conference, Georgetown, Guyana, July, 2002 and gives an overview of the curriculum reform process in Barbados which is part of the government's Education Sector Enhancement Programme (EduTech 2000). The link offered here leads you to the webarchive and is a copy of the website as of 2005.

The web site of the "Education Ministry" of the province of Cantabria is divided into three parts: "Educación" provides general information about the school, higher and professional education sectors of the Cantabrian educational system; "Juventud" offers information for young people, e.g. a contest of youth fashion and the part of the Consejo Escolar describes the tasks and [...]

The Education Department of Monaco is a part of the Home Office. The hompage provides access to information texts about the tasks of the department (via button "informations générales"), about public and private schools ("les établissements"), about youth and youth policy ("la jeunesse") and about physical education and sports.

An article of Arnd Zickgraf about managing education in Sweden. Developments and reasons are given for the success of the Swedish school system with its juxtaposition of local autonomy and national objectives as an instrument of control.

The research database contains data for the PISA cycles 2003 and 2006. It offers the opportunity to combine individual indicators from the topics "Quality of learning outcomes", "Equity and distribution", "Learner characteristics", "School resources" and "School policies and practices" and to compare the data of the participating countries. The data sets can be downloaded as a [...]

This is the country report of the Mongolian coordinator in the framework of the activity "Education for All - Assessment 2000" based on the World Declaration "Basic Education for All" launched in Jomtien/Thailand in 1990. Respective measures are financed by international organizations, e. g. Unesco and World Bank. This analysis offers an overview on state and perspectives of [...]

United Kingdom
A collection of resources for teachers provided by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). Topics include teaching and learning, management, professional development, research and UK education policy as well as communications services and a recruitment services for schools seeking to employ qualified staff .

Like the University Grants Commission (UGC), NCERT works under the Ministry of Human Resource Development as a coordinative organ in educational training and research. It develops standards, instructional materials and textbooks. The latter is available online as fulltext. It also provides information about programmes and publications. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Latin America; Colombia; Guatemala
The foundation Escuela Nueva is an innovation in the area of basic primary education, especially in rural communities, focusing on community education, co-operative, active and participatory education, a strong connection to the community and a flexible transition of pupils to higher levels. The website provides information about the objectives of the organization and their [...]

SDPS was launched in May of 1999 as part of the National Development Plan 2001-2006, to promote the practice of planning in Primary schools. The service aimed at supporting collaborative planning as a means of promoting school effectiveness and renewal and to avoid early school leaving. The site contains information areas for teachers, parents and boards, links to educational [...]

The Vietnamese Ministry of Education delivers and overview of the educational system and policy in Vietnam.

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
NASUWT is one of the largest teachers' unions and the only one to organise in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. NASUWT has members in all sectors of education and represents teachers in all roles including heads and deputies. The website provides news and information for teachers and informs about legal services and training courses. Addresses of local councils [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Founded in 1919, the Ulster Teachers' Union is one of the largest organisations of teachers in Northern Ireland. The page informs about protection, benefits and services for teachers and about comments on educational issues.

The education platform edu-BS offers comprehensive online information for teachers and schools. Search for teaching materials and links can be specified in various boxes of a search engine. Information on school policy, an event calendar and news are kept additionally. The school section offers general information on institutions in Basel responsible for school issues, an [...]

South Africa, Republic
This teachers union characterizes itself as having a "progressive vision". It is the largest teachers union in South Africa (140,000 members). The website gives information about the activities in educational and professional policy, publications, speeches and press releases, events and conferences etc. and gives access to articles of the electronic version of the journal "The [...]

Beside actualities and conference calendar (see "agenda") the Catalonian educational net provides texts, information and curricular materials concerning these areas: 1) Escola Oberta: curricular materials and teaching aids for several subjects, 2) Formació professorat: teacher training, 3) Serveis educatius: Service and documentation centres for schools ands teachers, 4) Link [...]

Under "About Us" the act of the establishment of the Board can be read. It says that "the Board shall have power to organize, regulate, develop and control Intermediate Education and Secondary Education." The site is newly constructed and yet incomplete. At time being (2002 May) links to texts are available about activities of the Board, rules and regulations concerning [...]

This institution is the highest level board of educational administration in Uruguay. Links on the homepage provide information about activities and tasks of the various branches of educational administration: primary and secondary education, vocational training ( UTU) , teacher education and training (CERP and DFPD).

The website of the Egyptian Education Ministry provides a full text about the education reform strategies, statistics, announcements and statements on education policy and about the girl-oriented community schools. [English version missing temporarily]

Scotland; United Kingdom
"HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) began operating as an Executive Agency of the Scottish Executive on 1 April 2001. HM Inspectors undertake first-hand, independent evaluations of the quality of educational provision. Each year we also investigate and publish reports on key aspects of education. Our collation, analysis and publication of the evidence and conclusions from [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education)of the Brazilian federal state Acre. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas of [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Distrito Federal. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Pernambuco. This is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Rio de Janeiro. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Cultura e Desportos (State Secretariat of Education, Culture and Sports) of the Brazilian federal state Rio Grande do Norte. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports" or "Department of Education, Culture and Sports" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Rio Grande do Sul. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Cultura e Desportos (State Secretariat of Education, Culture and Sports) of the Brazilian federal state Santa Catarina. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports" or "Department of Education, Culture and Sports" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the federal state São Paulo. It is, so to speak, the Brazilian "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Tocantis. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education), of the Brazilian federal state Minas Gerais. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education), the Brazilian "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage ( organigramme) offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas of education. Besides information [...]

The National Agency for Education is the central administrative authority for the public school system, publicly organised preschooling, school-age childcare and for adult education. The mission of the Agency is to actively work for the attainment of the goals set by the government. The website offers detailed information on the Swedish education system in English.

"Priority education" is a French focus programme in educational policy that has its origins in the 1980ies and that led to the socalled "priority education areas" (ZEP). The aim of the programme was a greater equity in educational opportunities, especially for socially disadvantaged children. The official website for this programme provies background information on the [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Utah State Office of Education is the central governmental authority for education in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The South Carolina Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Tennessee Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Vermont Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The West Virginia Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Nebraska Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Nevada Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New Hampshire Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The State of New Mexico Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U. S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website i s ma inly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Ohio Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Montana Office of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Kansas State Board of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. The Board supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Kentucky Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Louisiana State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Maine Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Massachusetts Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Michigan Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Mississippi Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Arkansas Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Colorado Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Delaware Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Florida Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Georgia Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Hawaii Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Idaho Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Illinois State Board of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. The Board supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Indiana Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Iowa Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Oregon Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Texas Education Agency is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Connecticut State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New York State Education Department is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New Jersey Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Alabama Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The California Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Maryland State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Arizona Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

SICI is the organisation of national and regional inspectorates of education in Europe. It was founded in 1995 and has at this moment 25 members. SICI provides services to its member organisations and contributes to the development of education in Europe with data and analyses based on direct observation of school practices.

The Centre for investigation and development of education is anssion is the promotion of equal educational opportunities and active participation, mainly of the poor classes, by research, teaching and service. The homepage leads to full texts about the working fields and action programs: sc organisation of private law linked to the Jesuits. Its mihools and educational [...]

IGEN and IGAENR are the principal authorities of the French education inspection which evaluates and controls all types of educational institutions, its personnel and contents, and supplies the Ministry with proposals for education policy. The website informs about the organizational structure and the activities of IGEN and IGAENR and provides full texts of its published [...]

The CNVL is a body of elected representatives of secondary pupils. The council has an advisory function for the Education Ministry in matters of school work and of the financial, social, cultural and sportive life in the lycées. Unfortunately, the website doesn't seem to be up to date any more, the last information being the one on the autumn meeting in 2013. [Abstract: [...]

Japan Society of Educational Policy tries to help answer questions as: What education should we privide for children who will live in the 21st century? What kind of ecducation system should we construct in view of enourmous changes occuring in the society? JASEPS has been established and conducting various activities overcoming difference of ideology and standpoints. [...]

The website of this union of secondary teachers presents information about current professional issues concerning its members in the various branches of the secondary school system (e.g. salaries, teacher education, services of the SNCL) and the union's statements regarding French school policy.

The Committee develops and implements various projects of reforming the entire Philippine education system. These and the tasks and members of the committee are presented in full texts.

Brunei Darussalam
The site provides access to full texts about: development of education in Brunei, aims of education, national education policy, school system, school statistics and publications. There is also a diagram of the organization of the Ministry and links to its departments and a link collection of schools. Also a publication list and further educational links are offered.

NIED is responsible for evaluating, designing and developing curricula for the entire educational system, introducing effective approaches to teaching and learning, coordinating the development of instructional materials, educational research, preparing and coordinating an effective system of pre-service and in-service teacher education, and providing training in educational [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
The aim of the SPTC "is to advance education by encouraging the fullest co-operation between home and school, education authorities, central government and all those concerned with education in Scotland".

This organization promotes the democratic development of education and education policy in Peru, including both the local and national levels. High participation of the citizens and citizenship education are the leading principles. The website provides educational news and policy documents and a journal named "Tarea" - content pages of the journal can be viewed.

The site of the Moroccan Ministry of Education shows the organizational structure of the Ministry and full texts on the education system, the activities concerning educational policy and their successful implementation in various areas of the education system and a section with various publications.

United Kingdom
NAHT provides support to head teachers and speaks on educational issues covering primary, secondary and special school sectors.

The website of the Philippine Education Ministry offers full texts about the functions and missions of the Ministry and its single departments. Furthermore there are full text documents of publications (annual reports, statistics), research reports, memoranda and legislation of the Ministry. Other links lead to web-based resources for students, teachers and administrators.

The website gives an overall view of the missions and responsibilities of the ministry and its various departments.

United Kingdom
The NEU was created in 2017 by merging the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers. It is now the biggest education union in the UK. The site offers a wide range of information on all aspects of the teacher profession as well as on the union's work. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The FSU was created in 1993. Besides UNSA Education and FNEC-FP FO, it is one of the biggest federations of teachers' unions in France. The website provides information on the FSU's organisation, its education policy goals and programmes for the next years, and the general union policies including current developments and news. Moreover, FSU also has several regular [...]

The homepage of this parents' union offers links to full texts about current issues of school policy, to texts and publications of the PEEP, direct information and counselling of parents and a documentary database which can be consulted for "all knowledge for our children"

Wales; United Kingdom
The Welsh Government provides ample information on education and skills on its topic site.

Edutech is a comprehensive education reform programme; it has four related components: Curriculum Reform, Developing Human Resources, Physical Renovations, Technological Infrastructure.

The homepage offers - beside links to full texts about mission, structure and personnel of the Ministry - links to 1) education statistics: numbers of students and teachers, enrollment, nursery education, also by regions; 2) schools: list of schools by region; and 3) projects of the Ministry: secondary school reform, primary education improvement, basic education teacher [...]

The FCPE, a Federation of parents` organisations in France, was founded in 1947. According to their own statement, FCPE is the "most representative parents` council" of France because the majority of persons in the parents' participation bodies of the French school system are members of the FCPE. The homepage gives access to statements of the FCPE concerning current school [...]

The texts of the law gazette of the Education Ministry is available online under this URL since the issue of June 11, 1998. The Bulletin is published weekly. The homepage provides an easily understandable direction for use and links to the indexes of each issue. The full texts can be downloaded as pdf-files.

The website of the Department of Education and Children's Services offers extensive information on all aspects of education in South Australia. It is organised according to levels of education and concerned groups (students, parents, etc.).

Hong Kong; China, People's Republic of
The homepage of the Education Department of Hong Kong provides information about really all questions of the school system in Hong Kong - therefore we do not offer a detailed abstract.

This web-site has recently been restructured and offers a magnitude of information about education in Mauritius: statistics, legislation, messages and programmes of the Ministry (e.g. education priority zones) and reform programs; links to other educational institutions are provided, too.

Côte d'Ivoire
The homepage of the Ministry which is responsible for pre-schools and schools offers the opportunity to gather information around the domains of the Ministry. On the one hand, it shows the primary tasks, projects, activities and research objectives of the Ministry, on the other hand, it offers a broad spectrum of useful information for daily school life, especially concerning [...]

The homepage of the Education Ministry is structured in six sections, the links of which lead to full texts about: 1) The Ministry and its missions, 2) the educational system (educational objectives and all levels of education), 3) programs, among others gifted education, career guidance, 4) educational institutions ( schools, statistics), information about schools (including [...]

United Kingdom
An independent charity which works with the whole family to support the child who is gifted and talented. A relaunch of the site is planned for 2013.

South Africa, Republic
This is the official website of the Ministry for Basic (primary and secondary) Education in South Africa. The website provides information on school development, different forms of performance assessment, materials for educators / teachers, information on educational management and administrative questions. Furthermore, you will find information on educational programmes like [...]

The homepage of the Chilenian Education Ministry is leading to full text information about the Ministry, the preschool, school and higher education system and reforms in these areas, cultural activities and one discussion forum named "round table". The education statistics may be shown as full texts, but individual searches in the statistical data base are also possible. Links [...]

New Zealand
The society presents texts on their activities and service resources, it also provides an online-library with publications and a separate section for members.

CMEC is the national voice for education in Canada. It is the mechanism through which ministers consult and act on matters of mutual interest, and the instrument through which they consult and cooperate with national education organizations and the federal government. The site provides information on: CMEC (Departments and Ministries of Education), Curriculum, Official [...]

United States of America (USA)
IEL's mission is to improve individual lives and society by strengthening educational opportunities for children and youth. IEL accomplishes its mission by connecting leaders from every sector of our increasingly multi-ethnic and multi-racial society and by reconnecting the public with our educational institutions. EL's mission is to improve individual lives and society by [...]

UNSA Education, known as Fédération de l`Education nationale (FEN) from 1930 to 2000, is the federation of more than 20 teacher unions which represent teachers and other education staff. Besides FSU Enseignement and FNEC-FP FO, it is one of the biggest federations of teachers' unions in France. The website provides information on UNSA's organisation, its education policy [...]

United Kingdom
"EMIE (Education Management Information Exchange) offers an information service on education policy and management issues which is free to staff in local education authorities in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man". It is provided by the National Foundation for Educational Research and offers a database of LEA documentation and full texts [...]

This is the website of the joint Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. The homepage has links to texts about mission and working fields of the Ministry: education (also one text about the education system), research, culture, copyright, youth, sports, church affairs and libraries. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United States of America (USA)
This web-site is sponsored by the Education Department and may be regarded as a sub-site to "The Teacher/ Pathfinder". It mainly covers the classroom-related part of teachers' work and everyday activities. Numerous features provide materials, information and counseling for teachers.

United States of America (USA)
WestEd is a non-profit research, development and service agency dedicated to improving education and other opportunities for children, youth and adults. Drawing on the best from research and practice, WestEd works with practitioners and policymakers to address critical issues in education and other related areas: from early childhood intervention to school-to-work transition; [...]

United States of America (USA)
This electronic version of the hard copy journal contains articles and information for educators, as well as "issues pages" that cover hot topics in the education industry, like school vouchers, charter schools, the Internet, and more. They plan to start charging for access shortly, but at the moment they're offering it on a free trial basis.

Canopé, formerly "Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP)", is the national French information and documentation network for teachers to help them with their daily classroom practice. The website provides mainly (official) texts about various practical issues in the 3 school levels, information about teaching aids and material, products and catalogues of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education is to promote academic excellence, enhance educational opportunities and equity for all of America´s children and families, and to improve the quality of teaching and learning by providing leadership, technical assistance and financial support. The OESE website offers information on reports and resources, laws, [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The Department of Education is responsible for the central administration of all aspects of education and related services in Northern Ireland - excepting the higher and further education sector, responsibility for which is within the remit of the Department for Employment and Learning. The Departments main areas of responsibility are in pre-school, primary, post-primary and [...]

United States of America (USA)
This is a program of the Education Department which has as its mission the implementation of research results into practice. The website provides links to the ten regional laboratories where the respective R&D programs are accessible.

This website offers topic-related data from the recently published issues of the journal, in particular on evaluation, achievement and quality assurance in schools as well as analyses for decision-making and school administration.

Revista de Educación is a quarterly published journal of the Instituto Nacional de Calidad y Evaluación (INCE), which belongs to the Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain. On the website the recently published issues on twelve subject categories are offered dealing among others with student [...]

The Australian Government Department of Education and Training is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality early childhood education, school education, higher education, vocational education and training, international education and research.

United States of America (USA)
The Department of Education provides overall information on the national educational system with many links to governmental or supported institutions which work in the different applied or research fields.

United Kingdom
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children´s services. The website offers information on schools, transition from school to training or higher education, early learning, family eduation and social work as well as information on research and statistics and publications.

Scotland; United Kingdom
Responsibilities include: Further and higher education, science and lifelong learning, school education, training and skills, HM Inspectorate of Education and the Scottish Qualifications Authority, nurseries and childcare, children's services, children's hearings, social work and HM Social Work Inspectorate.

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