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Counselling at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: counselling

key words found 1 - 185 of 185

The Center for Citizen Science of the OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation) was established in June 2015 by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. It serves as an information, advisory and service center for Citizen Science. With it, the OeAD primarily addresses researchers and scientific institutions with the aim of promoting the [...]

The Citizen Science Center Zurich is run jointly by the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. The mission of the Center is to support and promote the collaboration of academic scientists and the general public (“citizens”) to implement co-created Citizen Science (CS) projects. The Citizen Science Center Zurich (CCCS) supports citizens and researchers in all phases of the [...]

Russian Federation
The Russian National Research University for Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in Saint Petersburg (ITMO) published an article on career guidance in its online magazine. The article was written on the occasion of the publication of a study that found out that a great number of university graduates in Russia later on didn't work in the field they had actually [...]

Together with the French Onisep, the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) provides a multilingual glossary with the most important terms in educational and vocational guidance in English, German, French, and Spanish. There are four documents that only differ in their "lead language", that is the language according to which they are sorted [...]

This interactive map provides short information on guidance and counselling in European countries. The texts also contain links to further information on the subject of guidance in the respective country. Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance and counselling in the educational and employment sector. The website is [...]

international; Canada
The CRWG had a focus on evaluation and assessment of the counselling profession and guidance activities. The website provided a lot of information, fulltexts and instruments from different projects. For example, you could find tools for self-evaluation, as well for counselling professionals (e.g. assessment of competencies) as for people seeking guidance (e.g. "My Career [...]

OECD website on the policy framework for educational and vocational guidance and counselling in OECD member states. The website provides two comprehensive publications: "Career Guidance: A Handbook for Policy Makers" (fulltext in Engl. / French and summaries in several other languages) and "Career Guidance and Public Policy: Bridging the Gap" (fulltext in Engl., French, [...]

ECADOC was created as a project of the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe (NICE). It was supported financially by the European Union from 2003 till 2006. ECADOC is aiming at promoting exchange and communication on research in the field of career guidance and counselling at a European level, as well as training young researchers in this field. [...]

Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
The GCYDCA aims at developping and institutionalising guidance, counseling and youth development in Africa. The centre was founded in 1994 by the education ministers of almost all African states (49 out of 54). It is located in Malawi. The website seems to have been updated in 2016 for the last time. It provides some information on GCYDCA goals, activities and programmes which [...]

The International Association for Counselling (IAC) was created in 1966 as the "International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling (IRTAC)". It provides a platform for communication for researchers and professionals in counselling and guidance. IAC awards certifications to education programmes and courses in counselling, organises an annual conference with [...]

Latin America; Mexico
The website of the Latin American network for professionals in counselling and guidance provides the newsletter "Boletín Tiempo Latinoamericano", annoucements of events and links to journals from different Latin American countries including Spain and the network's own journal "Revista Latinoamericana de Orientación y Desarrollo Humano 'OrientAcción'". [Abstract: Editors [...]

NBCC International is the international branch of the US American National Board for Certified Counselors. Its main aim is the certification of counsellors and quality assurance in the couselling profession. NBCC has a focus on counselling in the health sector, but it also provides certificates for educational and career guidance and counselling. The website contains [...]

EACG mainly organises training courses for career guidance counsellors at the European level, as well as an annual conference. Moreover, the website has a newsletter (last issue as of July 2016) and some information on EU projects. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe (NICE) began in 2009 with two European projects and was transformed into a foundation in 2017. NICE is a "European network for the academic training of people who practice career guidance and counselling (career practitioners)". Information is provided on three projects run by NICE: "Peer Learning", [...]

The European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC) focusses on research. It has created several awards for professors, PhD researchers and for special merits, organises conferences, provides a bibliographic list (no fulltext), a newsletter, information for members, and under "collaborations" you can find a list of similar international and national [...]

Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance and counselling in the educational and employment sector. The website provides a lot of information, fulltexts, links and tools: texts on national counselling systems in the EU, best practice examples, links to European and international associations and networks dealing with [...]

Asia; Pacific Rim; Australia; New Zealand; Canada; United States of America (USA); China, People's Republic of; India; Indonesia; Japan; Cambodia; Guam; Kazakhstan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Malaysia; Pakistan; Philippines; Singapore; Vietnam
The Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) provides a forum for professionals working in career guidance and counselling in our about Asia and the Pacific - from early to adult education. Its website provides information about APCDA, about regional country members, about the annual APCDA conference, webinars, and publications (a newsletter and the Asia Pacific [...]

The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) existed from 2007 till 2015. It was meant to support the EU member states and the European Commission in cooperating in lifelong guidance policy in education and the employment sector. In meetings, webinars and others, comprehensive material was elaborated to inform policy and decision makers. The website provides a [...]

Established in 2004, the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP) is rather a virtual network providing a forum, a virtual pinboard for all kinds of announcements and a reservoir for collecting literature, guidelines, frameworks, best practice examples, and many other documents concerning career development and guidance. All content can be [...]

The website of the Flemish student organisation VVS doesn't have an English website. You can find English information on the website of the European Students' Union (ESU). The VVS was founded in 1938. On its Flemish website, you can find information on its goals and activities, on its position concerning specific educational matters, on events and more. [Abstract: Editors [...]

The website of the student organisation LSVb doesn't have an English website. You can find English information on the website of the European Students' Union (ESU). The LSVb was founded in 1963 as a successor to the "Nederland de Studentenvakbeweging" (SVB) founded in 1963. The LSVb claims to be the "official representative of all Dutch students towards the ministry and [...]

The Education Council of the Netherlands is an "independent governmental advisory body which advises the Minister, Parliament and local authorities." The English version of the new website provides information on the organisation and working methods of the council as well as many publications on educational matters. The old website also provided statements and positions of the [...]

The "Programme Education" at the "Centre for the Implementation of Public Policies for Social Equity and Growth" CIPPEC aims at doing research and consulting for more justice in the educational system of Argentina. The programme's website provides information on projects, some of them with websites of their own, as well as many publications (fulltexts), videos, press releases [...]

The National Research and Innovation Agency is a cabinet-level government agency formed by the Indonesian government in 2019. It does not report to the Ministry of Education, but directly to the President. BRIN is a member of the International Science Council (ISC). The site provides information about the tasks of the agency as well as news about activities, cooperations, etc. [...]

The Adacemy is meant to be an interface between science and research, society, and politics. It also advices the government in many issues. Its approximately 50 members are organised in 5 commissions that represent all the scientific fields from Natural Sciences to Humanities. The website provides information on activities (conferences etc.), publications, the Academy's [...]

Palestinian Territories
The English website has less content than the Arabic version. But it provides basic information on the four departments and study programmes of the Faculty: Department of Fundamentals of Education; Department of Psychological Counseling; Department of Basic Education; Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods. You will also find some information on a National Center for [...]

The Canadian Association of School Social Workers and Attendance Counsellors (CASSWAC) is a national organization that links school social workers and attendance counsellors. The mandate of CASSWAC is to promote and encourage the development of quality school social work and attendance counselling in Canada. As a national organization the CASSWAC have an opportunity to be [...]

The Division of Family Affairs at the National Social Appeals Board assists the Minister of Integration and Social Affairs in family law issues. Family law embraces many subjects, and the National Social Appeals Board handles cases, projects and preparatory law work in a number of fields, such as child access, custody, child domicile, international child abductions, spousal [...]

The Education Working Group brings together experts in Holocaust education from around the world to provide expertise, advice, and recommendations about teaching Holocaust education. As the Stockholm Declaration states, “We share a commitment to encourage the study of the Holocaust in all its dimensions. We will promote education about the Holocaust in our schools and [...]

Russian Federation; Belarus; Czechia; Poland; Ukraine; Hungary; Eastern Europe
The OWWZ provides information for researchers as well as students. You will find information on relevant courses, cooperation in research projects, networks and web portals, research promotion opportunities and more. The portals and networks include: German-Russian Cooperation Network Biotechnology, NanoBRIDGE Germany-Russia, NetMADE - Germany-Hungary Renewable Energy Network, [...]

Russian Federation; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities for Russia, on the political framework, on highlights of the bilateral cooperation as well as its priorities. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links. [...]

The agency is responsible for the National Framework of Qualifications and the quality assurance of further and higher education and training (including English language provision) in Ireland. Quality and Qualifications Ireland was established on 6 November 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. The new Authority was created by [...]

The Österreichische Bundesverband Legasthenie (Federal Austrian Association for Dyslexia, founded 1991) aims to inform the general public about dyslexia. It supports and advises teachers, pedagogues and parents of dyslexic children as well as dyslexic people themselves. It also keeps contact with authorities in order to improve the situation of dyslexic children from the [...]

The research projects at BIFIE cover the whole school system. In detail, the federal institute has to fulfil the following tasks: 1. Quality advancement of the school system through innovative school projects, teacher education and the development of teaching materials; 2. Education monitoring (observation of the Austrian school system) including the development of education [...]

Switzerland; Germany; Austria
The "Network Promoting Giftedness" provides information on giftedness and its promotion in Switzerland. You will find information on its activities, a list of professionals (consulting, advice), a link list for organisations in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, fulltext publications, information from the respective cantons, on teaching material and best practice examples, on [...]

international; United States of America (USA)
The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) was founded in 2002. It conducts research in the field of OER and educational information and communication technologies, advises educational leaders and also produces OER. The website provides a lot of information on projects worldwide, for different educational areas and audiences. ISKME received [...]

The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) (formerly Orton Dyslexia Society) is an international, non-profit, scientific and educational organization dedicated to the study and treatment of dyslexia. The IDA was first established nearly 50 years ago to continue the pioneering work of Dr. Samuel T. Orton, who was one of the first to identify dyslexia and its remediation.

The National Library System (SINAB) is a decentralized entity of the ministry of education. It promotes the participation of the Ecuatorian population in the community of the cultural field around the library. The library system is part of a new political and cultural democratisation conception with the aim to remedy the deficiencies of the library services and of the [...]

The Association of Private Universities of Panama (AUPPA) is an institution which consists of several private universities which are constituted and authorized by the laws of the Panamanian government. The objective of AUPPA is to function as representative of the member institutions and as counsil organ for the state, private enterprises as well as for the population. In [...]

Costa Rica
The State of the Nation Program is a research and capacity building centre focusing on the appraisal and promotion of sustainable human development (SHD). Its main purpose is to provide citizens with easily accessible instruments to measure SHD performance, to enhance accountability of public affairs, to strengthen mechanisms for participation, and to improve the quality of [...]

The Local Development Study and Support Centre (CEADL) is a non-governmental orgasation acknowledged as educative counselling instance by the society and the government, which is based on the principles of the education of society and which contributes to the construction of an inclusive and democratic society by the transformation of legally and socio-politically as well as [...]

The National Universities Commission (NUC) is a parastatal under the Federal Ministry of Education (FME) and was established in 1962. The main functions of the Commission are outlined as follows: Granting approval for all academic programmes run in Nigerian universities, granting approval for the establishment of all higher educational institutions offering degree programmes [...]

The Colombian Institute for Educational Evaluation (ICFES) is a specialized entity that offers educational assessment in all educational levels. It supports the National Ministry of Education in the development and administration in matters of state assessments and in systematic investigation about the factors that influence the quality of education, to provide useful and [...]

The French High Council of Education (Haut Conseil de l'Éducation) is a consultative institution for the French educational system and it is composed of representatives of the important institutions of the French educational system. Founded due to the demand of the French ministry of education (Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la [...]

The National Institute for Youth (INJUV) is an organism of the public service, which is entrusted with the design, the planning and the coordination of politics which deal with youth affairs. The INJUV orients its work on youth from 15 to 29, coordinating the public youth politics. It generates programs which foster the social inclusion and the respect for the rights of the [...]

Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) is an independent, non-governmental organisation, established in 1994 at the initiative of European Commission. Its mission is, through information, financing, training and advocacy, to develop the capacity of civil society organizations and communities to improve the lives of people.

Lesotho; Botswana; Eswatini; Eswatini
The Institute of Development Management (IDM) was established in 1974 as a regional organisation in Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland (BLS) to help meet the management needs of the region through management development activities including training, consultancy, research, and the establishment of a Management Resource Centre.

Dominican Republic
The National Institute for Teacher Formation and Competence (INAFOCAM) is a decentralized organ subordinate to the ministry of education. Its function is to coordinate the education offer, the competence, the actualization and the perfection of the educational staff on national level. The INAFOCAM is a counselling agency of the ministry of education in relation to the [...]

The Higher Education Council (HEC) is an independent Government Agency. It is responsible for ensuring the structure, organisation and functioning of higher education institutions, for monitoring and evaluating the quality and standard of provision and for ensuring the quality enhancement of teaching and research. It advises the Minister in charge of Higher Education on all [...]

SchoolNet Uganda was started 1997 as a program jointly supported by World Links for Development (WorLD), currently World Links Organization (, World Bank Institute – ICT for Education Program and Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda. SchoolNet Uganda is an iEARN (International Education and Research Network) centre. As an iEARN centre, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education (NASDME) is the professional organization of state officials charged with the administrative responsibilities of using state funds to help all migrant children succeed in school. NASDME provides its members ongoing information about events and activities, and offers new members training, guidance and counsel. It [...]

The Flemish Education Council (Vlor) is the official advisory body on the education and training policy of the Flemish Community. Representatives of all the different stakeholders in education and training meet in the Vlor. Together they look for ways to further improve education and training in Flanders via recommendations. The English website only provides basic information [...]

The Regional Conference of Western Universities (CRUO) consists of the following members: Responsible persons of higher education and research institutions which carry out relevant research for the Ministry for Higher Education and Scientifical Research, the representative of the general director of the national bureau for university work and the secretary of the CRUO. The [...]

The Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (öibf) is a scientific, non-profit, independent research institute founded in 1970. It manages and carries out research and development in various areas of vocational education and training (VET). Fields of research are initial and further education and training, vocational guidance and counselling, evaluation [...]

The Austrian Institute for Adult Education is a research and development organisation and a consulting agency focusing on adult education and lifelong learning. The focuses of its activities include: regionalisation of education (learning regions); general aspects of adult education such as environmental education, political education, health education, etc.; developing [...]

The Polish Academy of Sciences is a state scientific institution founded in 1952. It functions as a learned society acting through an elected corporation of top scholars and research organizations, via its numerous scientific establishments. It has also become a major scientific advisory body through its scientific committees. Division I Social Sciences, Division II [...]

FOREM is a priviledged partner in matters of human resources of enterprises on the fields of: Distribution of employment offers, councelling concerning recruitment, professional orientation of the staff, professional vocation training of the (future) staff. Also, it accompanies job-seekers on their professional project on the fields of: job search, provision and utilization of [...]

United Kingdom
The BDA´s mission is to campaign and lobby for long lasting and sustainable change for the benefit of dyslexic people, to provide impartial and objective advice and support to dyslexic people and those with whom they come into contact, to set the standards for and accredit dyslexia knowledge and professional expertise, to deliver innovative solutions which break new ground in [...]

The Austrian society for higher education didactics (ÖGHD) was founded in 1977. Since then, it has its headquarter in Vienna. The ÖGHD works primarily in German speaking area. Its goal is to document and to promote the discussion of the universities, the public and the society for the amelioration of university teaching. Its task area comprehends research of higher education [...]

The Superior Council for Education is an institutional organ which is consulted on account of education and formation reforms. It gives it`s opinion on all issues of national interest which deal with the sectors education and formation, conducts global evaluations of the national education and formation system (institutional, pedagogical and resource-based evaluation) and [...]

The internet portal "" offers information which facilitates the access to studies in Hungary. Besides general information about the acclimatization in Hungary, the acknowledgement of foreign academic achievements, the teaching forms and the language, descriptions of the financing, the application, of the diverse higher education institutes with the single [...]

Study in Sweden is a comprehensive resource for information about higher education in Sweden. The site incorporates a database of English-language degree programs, information about Sweden´s universities as well as practical facts concerning application procedures, scholarships, visas, accommodation and information for learning Swedish as a foreign language.

The Network upholds the mandate of the Education Policy Committee to assist countries to develop effective and efficient policies for education and learning to meet individual, social, cultural and economic objectives. The network aims to support the development of approaches and good practice in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy in participating [...]

The Academy represants an association of top-level scientists and scholars with commitment to advance scientific research and represent Estonian science nationally and internationally. The primary mission of the Academy is to assist in building a knowledge-based Estonia, fostering adaptation of new knowledge for economic growth and improvement of the quality of life and [...]

The VSLCH represents the interests of its members towards all federal and cantonal authorities as well as organisations from education, culture and the economy. It aims at co-operation with other school management associations and takes part in all education-relevant topics concerning compulsory education level.

The national agency and contact point for programmes and projects conducted within the EU programme for Liflong Learning (2007-2013) in Bulgaria . It supports networking activities at home and abroad, including EUROPASS and EUROGUIDANCE activities

The national agency for lifelong learning in general and vocational education has been active since 1995 as a partner for initiating and promoting projects within the EU funding programmes for education. The organisation that was in charge of the national agencies for Leonardo da Vinci and Sokrates has also been commissioned as national agency for the new EU programme of [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (The Framework) promotes lifelong learning in Scotland. The Framework: Describes the courses and programmes that lead to qualifications; Helps you develop ´progression routes´ for individual to follow; Allows individuals to make the most of the opportunities to transfer credit points between qualifications. The website is [...]

United Kingdom; England
The NGA was formed in January 2006 via the merger of two predecessor organisations: the National Governors´ Council (NGC) and the National Association of School Governors (NASG). The National Governors´ Association represents school governors in England and offers advice and support on matters of school management.

United Kingdom; England; Wales
The Association of Colleges was created in 1996 as the single voice to promote the interests of further education colleges in England and Wales. The Association provides a broad range of services to its subscribers. It represents their interests locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

United Kingdom
The Learning and Skills Council informs prospective employers and apprentices about the apprenticeship system and gives an overview of the industry sectors that offer apprenticeships.

United Kingdom
GetTheRightSchool was formed to offer a unique reference point on getting your child into the school of your choice. The website offers features and articles on various aspects of the British school system written by professional journalists and experts. Its objective is to provide parents with help and advice on how to obtain a place at the school of their choice.

Whoever is interested in studying in Belgium gets advice as well as useful information on this web site, for example about the Belgian higher education system in general, university courses, application and funding. Furthermore the site provides an overview of seminars to studying in Belgium, which are organized by EDU-CON.

This portal offers incoming researchers and scientists general and practical information about working and living in Belgium including useful links to legal and administrative fields, cultural information, information about the national mobility centres, the national research landscape, job vacancies, research fellowships and grants.

United Kingdom
The EPPI-Centre is dedicated to making reliable research findings about health, education and welfare accessible to the people who need them, whether they are making policy, practice, or personal decisions. The Evidence Library contains summaries and full reports of all of the EPPI- Centre's systematic reviews. EPPI also offers courses on systematic research synthesis.

Europe is a forum to promote and disseminate research on the Economics of Education in Europe, provided by the European Expert Network on Economics of Education (EENEE). You will find detailed information by following the links of the menu on the left. EENEE is an EU Think Tank sponsored by the European Commission, Directorate General for Education and [...]

NESSE is still in a developmental phase (as of January 2007) therefore it has not yet its own website. Coordinator is the Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (INRP) in France. Main aim of the mission is the improvement of policy development in Education and Continuing Education in Europe by constructing a stable and effective network of experts who are involved in [...]

The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) provides information and referral services to individuals and organizations on the recognition of academic and occupational credentials for working and studying in Canada and abroad. The website features information on studying and working in Canada as well as abroad, on the recognition of foreign [...]

The IAEVG is an international association of institutions and organisations active in educational counselling and guidance. Its focus lies on the professional qualification of school and vocational education counsellors. The association provides a list of national organisations worldwide, the e-journal "International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance" (subject to [...]

CIMEA - Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence - is the Italian centre within the NARIC network (National Academic Recognition Information Centres). Its purposes are: to give information to individuals on the opportunities and procedures for the recognition of foreign study qualifications, to provide advice to institutions on the comparability of foreign [...]

The Amt für Berufsbildung (office for vocational education and training) is the supervisory body for basic vocational education and training. It is responsible for: advising apprentices, parents and trainers, all questions concerning legal and contractual matters, financing of vocational education and training and further education. The website offers basic information to all [...]

United Kingdom
"The Council for International Education provides advice and information to international students studying in the UK and to staff who work with them." Additional information is available for UK students who wish to study abroad.

The website about paths of education in Austria, provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs, begins with a schematic overview of the different, partly vocational school forms and of possible transitions between types of schools or educational attainments respectively. In the following text the particular types of school from the primary sector to [...]

The institution ´school psychology - education consulting´, sustained by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK) and integrated into the school system, offers its services to pupils, teachers and parents with respect to their search for insights, experiences and implementation that prevent, reduce and solve problems. Moreover it fosters the individual, [...]

Zentrum polis supports teachers in teaching political and human rights education at school. The emphasis is on openness, tolerance and courage, spreading the knowledge on democracy, politics and human rights as well as strengthening social abilities. The information centre offers publications and teaching materials, advice on projects, workshops for schools and further [...]

United Kingdom
The RNIB is the national state organisation for the blind. The web site "Education and Learning" states its objectives concerning the support of vision impaired people in education at home, school, and in the community and increasing the number of students in higher education. It provides information for special interest groups (teachers, students, pupils and parents). [...]

"The mission of the CCEAM is to improve educational administration, management and leadership in Commonwealth countries. CCEAM is an international organisation linking professionals who manage educational institutions and/or teach or research in educational administration."

Commonwealth; United Kingdom
The CYEC is dedicated to the development of youth work and exchange links between the UK and Commonwealth nations. The site provides a guide to developing a Commonwealth youth exchange.

The National Council on Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) in Argentina was founded in 1958. The web site provides information about the organizational structure, administrative bodies, statutes, activities and programs, documents and other publications of the council and a link list of the member universities and institutes. According to its website, both the [...]

The Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development ( CARNEID), is one of five regional networks established by UNESCO to promote systematic contact among educational institutions in order to promote educational innovation and change. The network offers exchange of information, co-operation, consultative services and support for its members.

This website of the Union of Turkish-German businesspeople offers full texts dealing with the situation of Turkish migrants in professional education and business in Germany.

United Kingdom
"The CIS is the national representative organisation set up and run by student representatives to promote the interests of international students studying in the United Kingdom." The website informs about current campaigns and events.

The National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) is the successor of the former CEDE (Centro Europeo dell´ Educazione) and has been established in 1999. Its considerably increased tasks as an "agency supporting the autonomy of schools" are as follows: 1. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system as a whole and in detail - [...]

This website is intended to serve as a platform for information, advice and exchange for all persons interested in the topic of science education in the elementary and primary sector. This is done through online and print documents, discussion lists, subscription to current information, search engines, publications and expert consultation.

Caribbean; international; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bermuda; British Virgin Islands; Costa Rica; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guyana; Haiti; Jamaica; Cayman Islands; Cuba; Martinique; Mexico; Netherlands Antilles; Puerto Rico; Trinidad and Tobago; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; United Kingdom; France; Netherlands; United States of America (USA)
The list contains links to universities, colleges and schools in the Caribbean area. The navigation point "courses" offers links to alphabetically ordered study programs world wide.

The Institute is the central research and teaching facility for special education in Japan. It has the following aims: To undertake applied researches in the field of special education to analyse teaching methodology. To provide professional and technical in-service training for teachers of special education. To disseminate research findings and to promote collaborative [...]

El Salvador
This institut is the governing and coordinating body for the development of Salvadoranian vocational education. It develops and conducts programs for various fields of the labour market, plans the whole system of vocational education and advises employers to use human resources effectively. The web site provides information about the mission, strategic objectives and various [...]

The Latvian National Observatory is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Latvia by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This website [...]

The Slovak National Observatory is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Slovakia by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This website [...]

The Polish National Observatory is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Poland by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This website [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
"Founded in 1847 The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) is the oldest teaching union in the world. EIS priorities in trade union work are a commitment to high standards of education and to a society which offers young people the best opportunities in education, training as well as social and cultural development. In addition to its professional role, the Institute has [...]

United Kingdom
"Teacher Support Network is a national charity that provides practical and emotional support to teachers and lecturers (both serving and retired) and their families, regardless of age, length of service or union affiliations." Financial problems and retirement are the main issues.

The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]

The Pôle emploi, a fusion of the Agence Nationale de l`Emploi (ANPE)and the network Association pour l`emploi dans l`industrie et le commerce (Assédic) is a sort of electronic national labour office with regional departments. The website is structured into a room for job seekers and one for employers. Additionally, there is a news corner. Information is provided about job [...]

This website of the French Public Administration provides information for the citizen - in this case the handicapped one - who wants to learn about his / her rights and the ways how to push them through. The link list at the left has, among others, links to: financial aid for handicapped persons, handicapped children, vocational training and labour market for the handicapped.

United Kingdom; Europe
"UK NRP serves as a first point of contact for national vocational qualifications and accordingly is a central information resource for UK skilled worker, trade and technician level qualifications. UK NRP also acts as a national agency representing the UK in a European network of reference points for vocational qualifications in Member States."

Wales; United Kingdom
Estyn's aim is "to raise standards and quality of education and training in Wales through inspection and advice, in support of the vision and strategic direction set out by the Welsh Assembly Government." Inspection reports are available as pdf-files.

This institution promotes the social integration of disabled persons and their equality of opportunities through an efficient administration of the financial resources which are placed at their disposal. The website provides information about various services, advice and subsidies for handicapped persons and about handicaps; regulations, institutions, technologies, [...]

The aim of this website is to provide information about: the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme in general; latest developments in the programme; current issues for teachers / tutors and schools /centres; forthcoming activities that might be of interest to teachers. The LCA is a distinct, self-contained two-year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working [...]

The Swedish Public Employment Service is Sweden´s biggest employment service. The English website offers detailed information for migrants. Basic information is available in various languages.

IPPN is a new national structure, which, inpractical co-operation with the Department of Education and Science will help to foster nationally a culture of professional support and development for primary principals. Information on local professional support groups, local and national networks and membership. Publications to download (Word- files), curriculum, managment and [...]

In response to the demand for a psychological service to all schools, the NEP (National Educational Psychological Service) was established September 1999. This strategy statement (PDF-file, 33 pages) outlines NEP's aims and activities for children.

Comhairle is the national support agency responsible for the provision of information, advice and advocacy to members of the public on social services, belonging as a statutory agency, to the Department of Social & Family Affairs. Access to research reports on social policy. The Citizens Information Database (CID) covers all aspects of civil and social rights and entitlements [...]

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment was established as a statutory body in July 2001. It has to advise the Minister of Education and Science in matters relating to the curriculum for early childhood education, primary and post-primary schools, and the assessment procedures employed in schools and examinations on subjects that are part of the curriculum. [...]

The Swedish Research Council has a leading role in developing Swedish research of the highest scientific quality, thereby contributing to the development of society. Besides research funding, the agency advises the government on research-related issues and participates actively in the discussions to create understanding of the long-term benefits of research.

CSHE is a national and international leader in higher education policy research and educational development. CSHE provides independent, research-based advice and support on matters of teaching and learning, the student experience, professional development for academics, and quality assurance policies and processes. The website offers links to full texts (statements, research [...]

United States of America (USA)
AFSA is a national education organization supporting school principals at various schools (especially public schools). Broad range of link lists in the field of education with keyword search, labor news, information on scholarship and the organization.

The AWTI advises the Government and the Parliament on policies related to scientific research, technological developments and innovation. Knowledge, research and innovation are important for all policy areas. In spite of this, the AWTI mainly relates to the areas dominated by the minister of Education, Culture and Science (science policy) and Economic Affairs (innovation [...]

CCCF wants to improve the quality of child care services for Canadian families. Aims are to provide information to and facilitating "networking" among a broad range of target groups( e.g. child care organizations, educational institutions, government policy makers...). Furthermore CCCF wants to support initiatives and research to improve the quality of child care services. On [...]

On 1 January 2000 the special education services provided by the Norwegian state were gathered under the umbrella of the Norwegian Support System for Special Education. Activities comprise a total of 40 units under a single joint board. The website informs on ministries and institutions involved and offers links to a service catalogue as well as to a brochure about the [...]

Tambartun is working with visually impaired children, youths and adults in 180 local authority areas in Norway. The aims are to establish services to contribute to the fulfillment of the needs of each individual child in their local school and home environment; to gather and distribute information in the field of visual impairment. The homepage informs about research and [...]

"myfuture" (launched in 2002) is a high quality system, covering education, training and employment for all Australians. It is designed to explore skills and interests, identify possible career paths, develop career plan and research options for further study and training. With a guide (password necessary/free of charge) assistance in determining personal carrier can be [...]

The SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut is a research and reference centre in Europe specializing in research on education, child rearing and child welfare. The Institute operates as an institute within the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, is part of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Its aims are twofold: Reserch is done in the field of fundamental and applied research. The [...]

ITS has specialized on interdisciplinary policy research. It belongs to the University of Nimwegen. Particualr competence is also offered in the educational sector. The website presents the institute, research projects (around 200 per year) and their services. Reports and publications can only be odered via E-Mail or directly in at ITS.

CanLearn Interactive is an initiative of the department of Human Resources Development Canada, and is governed through the participation of all provinces, territories and over 25 Canadian learning and career development organizations. The website is a one- stop web-based resource providing information, products and services to help Canadians decide what and where to study and [...]

The main missions of this institute are: 1) Dissemination of expertise and counseling in the field of prevention and promotion of health, 2) the development of health education and therapeutic education. The website offers information about the organizational structure and members of the institute, provides data bases with literature and other resources about health education [...]

This website of the French public administation povides information on family law, parents' and children law. Among others, there are section on school and higher education where you will find information on how to register foreign children for school on France. Unfortunately, this website is only available in French. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The University of Helsinki is Finland's most multidisciplinary higher education institution. The page: 'Research' provides a short abstract about research at the university, a linklist to the research project database, publication database and expert database. Addresses and links to obtain more information on research services (e.g. financing) are available as well as links [...]

The purpose of the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Polytechnics ARENE is to develop an internationally first-class system of polytechnics. ARENE, located in Helsinki, approves recommendations and declarations and issues statements. Linklists of all Finnish Polytechnics, to Education Ministeries and Organisations as well as to sources about Finland in general are published.

United Kingdom
"The National College for School Leadership (NCSL) provides career- long learning and development opportunities, professional and practical support for England's existing and aspiring school leaders". The web service includes information on the latest documents on school policy, documents and tools for school management, a knowledge pool, research and development resources [...]

AKAVA - the Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland - is a trade union formed by 32 affiliates and with about 400 000 members and with 80% unionization rate. The website provides information: about AKAVA and a list of the 32 affiliates ( without links) , useful general information about trade unions in Finland, about Finnish trade union work in the EU and [...]

Commonwealth; international
"The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is a voluntary society, founded in 1913, which is registered as a Charity and governed by its member institutions through an elected council. Among its key activities are: assisting members to develop the capacity of their human resources; promoting, through several programmes, the movement of academic and administrative [...]

Commonwealth; international
"The Commonwealth of Learning is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. COL is helping developing nations improve access to quality education and training."

This website offers for young Omanis, supported by programmes of the government of the Sultanate Oman, comprehensive information for gaining National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ).- In the former British Protectorate the influence of British education on the education system of the Arab state has remained until today. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) are UK [...]

NOOSR is the national expert and coordinating body on overseas skills assessments and recognition. The mission is to help the overseas trained to work and study in Australia by providing information, advice and assistance in relation to the recognition of overseas qualifications and skills. The principal functions include provision of assessment services, information and [...]

iStudent Canada is the CBIE's (Canadian Bureau for International Education) website that is directed at international students studying in Canada and Canadian students studying or working abroad. It provides the information needed from the application phase to graduation, but also an unprecedented level of peer interactivity in the form of blogs, forums, and online events.

This is the home page of a non-violent approach for helping children and adults with special needs. It offers access to the following buttons: gentle teaching international; gentle teaching places; gentle teaching schools; quality of life; quality of life profile; sensory integration; personal teaching plan; placements and courses.

The Danish Research and Development Centre for Adult Education aims to support innovation and development within adult and general education ( "folkeoplysning"). The work of DRDC is directed towards all sectors that deal with adult education and "folkeoplysning" such as associations, local communities, housing areas and educational establishments. The DRDC is a private and [...]

Wales; United Kingdom
"Since its establishment as a consortium of local education authorities in 1948, the Welsh Joint Education Committee (WJEC) has proven its value to the educational community in Wales. WJEC is now established as a company limited by guarantee, owned and controlled by the 22 unitary councils in Wales. It exists to provide a range of educational services", e. g. examination [...]

The Spanish Association for Orientation and Psychopedagogy is a professional association of people involved in orientation and counselling in the fields of education, work, business both in governmental as well as non-governmental institutions.- A tabular overview on the homepage provides access to information on character, objective, structure and activities of the [...]

The CNVL is a body of elected representatives of secondary pupils. The council has an advisory function for the Education Ministry in matters of school work and of the financial, social, cultural and sportive life in the lycées. Unfortunately, the website doesn't seem to be up to date any more, the last information being the one on the autumn meeting in 2013. [Abstract: [...]

The major objectives of NIER are to do applied and basic research and conduct studies in education. In addition, NIER provides various services in relation to educational research such as: collecting and disseminating relevant information on education and educational research; giving assistance and advice to educational institutions and educators in Japan involved in [...]

The purpose of JAPET is to contribute to the promotion of education through its activity based on educational technology. Survey and study for improvement of education is the core part of its activity. JAPET is also involved in spreading the results obtained by such survey and study to practical scenes of teaching and learning not only in classrooms but also in various phases [...]

United Kingdom
"HEAS is a UK-based national home education charity dedicated to the provision of advice and practical support for families who wish to educate their children at home in preference to sending them to school. HEAS offers information for home educators including advice about educational materials, resources, GCSE examiniations, special educational needs, information technology, [...]

The Organization for the Professional Preparation of Teachers (OPPI) is a national association of non-profit character. It was founded in 1965 in order to "promote the education and contiuing training of instructors and others employed in the educational area". This homepage provides information on OPPI's educational possibilities, it presents the work of the centre in [...]

Trinidad and Tobago
The National Training Agency is the new umbrella agency for effecting reform in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Trinidad and Tobago. Its role is to co-ordinate and regulate technical and vocational education and training, promoting and facilitating a coherent system of quality TVET, e.g. by developing occupational standards and national vocational [...]

The National Observatory of Romania is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Romania by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This [...]

The National Observatory of Slovenia is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Slovenia by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This [...]

The World Association for Cooperative Education is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to helping interested individuals and institutions forge close ties between the classroom and the workplace. It actively advocates cooperative education (also known as work- integrated learning or co-op) around the world. It also provides technical information and assistance to [...]

United Kingdom
Information about finding employment as a teacher in the UK.

United Kingdom
"Skill promotes opportunities for young people and adults with any kind of disability in post-16 education, training and employment across the UK".

An initiative of the Landesschulrat providing for schools in Lower Austria free of charge Internet-Services, like web domains, e-mails, web space and the respective support for setting up and operating systems.

United Kingdom
This Association is a voluntary organisation with charitable status. It is concerned with all aspects of children's learning from birth through the early stages of primary education". The service includes information pages for parents (downloadable in rtf-format) and conferences.

Education server with data base search for institutions of educational administration, schools, and teacher training. The emphasis is put on music education, physics and computer science.

United Kingdom
"UKLA aims to inform all those concerned with the development of language, literacy and communication, encouraging them in reflection and dialogue, supporting their practice and giving public voice to their concerns." The site informs about UKLA's work in schools, other activities, articles and publications.

SOFF is the National Advisory Board for the Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs in the field of Distance Education. The Executive Board consists of seven members representing colleges, universities and independent Distance Education institutions. SOFF was established in order to coordinate and stimulate the development of distance education in Norway. Its [...]

Hong Kong; China, People's Republic of
The HKIER develops, supports, and coordinates long-term multi- displinary research programmes. Each of these programmes consists of a number of research projects conducted by researchers of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and other tertiary institutions. Several ongoing policy-related research projects, supported by various funds from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, [...]

The Centre was installed by the Ministry for Youth and Sports and offers information for adolescents about "all topics that may interest them": orientation about vocational training and professions, health, sports, leisure, practical life, youth projects, European information. Via data base search one can find places for practical work.

United Kingdom
IPSEA advises and supports parents in case of problems with authorities concerning questions of special educational needs.

United Kingdom
Parentkind (formerly The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations - NCPTA) "is the network of PTA [Parent Teacher Associations] fundraisers in the UK."

"The Institute of Guidance Counsellors is the professional body representing over 700 practitioners in second level schools and in other settings...It promotes standards for entry into the profession and for the practice of guidance and counselling". The website offers information about the profession and how to become a counsellor, but mainly it is intended as a forum for [...]

The IGAENR is directly attached to the Education Ministry; it is a sort of "super inspectorate" which watches over the efficient functioning of the whole education system by controlling the functioning, evaluating the efficiency of all educational institutions and giving advice to the political authorities. The homepage offers a short text and links to full texts about the [...]

FAS is the National Training and Employment Authority. Through a regional network of 66 offices and 20 training centres, FÁS operates training and employment programmes; provides a recruitment service to jobseekers and employers, an advisory service for industry, and supports community-based enterprises.

United Kingdom
An independent charity which works with the whole family to support the child who is gifted and talented. A relaunch of the site is planned for 2013.

Scotland; United Kingdom
"ASE Scotland is the Scottish Region of the Association for Science Education (see separate entry), the largest subject professional association in the UK". The website informs about the activities (events) of the organisation.

United Kingdom
ASE is a forum for all concerned with science education from primary school to tertiary levels. There are zones for teachers and technicians, a section on safety and health in science, databases on literature and events, publications and an online shop.

United Kingdom; England
"NACE is the Association that helps teachers help able and talented children through provision of In-Service training, conferences and consultancy to teachers, schools and LEAs; offering a wide range of publications for sale; advising educational agencies, e.g. DfEE, SCAA and Ofsted, on provision for able children". The website informs about the research centre and gives [...]

The NPCpp promotes and protects the interests of parents in the field of secondary education. There is information on special interest parents' associations and contact persons.

"The ASTI acts as a professional association voicing the concerns and interests of the teaching profession at second-level and as a registered trade union which protects teachers and fights for improvements in their pay and conditions of employment". The website informs about the services for members and publications by ASTI. Press releases and the association's magazine are [...]

The Swiss Science Council (SSC) is the advisory body to the Federal Council for issues related to science, higher education, research and technology policy. Acting as the voice of the scientific community, the SSC formulates overarching concepts for the benefit of the Federal Council and proposes implementing measures to it. The goal of the SSC, in conformity with its role as [...]

This site is produced by the Education Ministry and shows links to the local information centres which can be searched by département or by community. With the link "l'orientation" a small full text about professional orientation of pupils and full texts about aspects of vocational guidance can be selected, e.g. history, recent conceptions, counsellors, European dimension [...]

The regional centre is serving professional instructors of all kinds as a source for their initial and continuing education. It provides scientific information about continuing and adult education. For this purpose it offers: training courses and forums, documentary databases with over 6000 references (literature, audiovisual aids), and educational resources (thematic [...]

The Institute for Work and Vocational Guidance is a branch of the CNAM. Its missions are: 1) initial and continuing education of ( vocational) guidance personnel, 2) research in the area of the psychological foundations of vocational guidance (done in an institute at the university Paris V) and 3) operating an information centre with library and test- library. Furthermore the [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) offers educational research, publications and seminars in New Zealand. NZCER's current mission is to support educators through research, resources, and information. The web site contains information about: research programmes; advisory, library and information services; pedagogical and psychological test advisory [...]

"AVETRA is Australia's only national, independent association of researchers in vocational education and training (VET)." Its web site provides information on the association, projects and useful link lists to information sources and related organisations.

United States of America (USA)
NCSALL was established in 1996 from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). It was closed in 2007. The goal of NCSALL was to help the field of adult basic education define a comprehensive research agenda; to pursue basic and applied research under that agenda; to build partnerships between researchers and practitioners; and to [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
"UKRO is a subscriber based organisation providing information & advice primarily to UK organisations on European Union funded opportunities for research & higher education". Access to detailed information is only available for subscribers.

Australia; international
"UltiBASE is a peer-reviewed e-journal and resource for tertiary teachers. Its aim is to promote teaching best practice in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education in all tertiary settings." The journal is no longer published, but its archive containing issues from December 1996 till November 2003 is still accessible.

CBIE is the Canadian leader in scholarship administration. It offers partial and complete management of scholarship programs, comprising the following services: scholar selection, institutional placement, in-country and on-arrival orientation workshops, academic and social monitoring, allowance distribution, return travel arrangements, and interim and overall program [...]

The unit vocational pedagogy at the department of vocational education in Zurich concentrates on the training, further and continuing education of vocational school teachers, on their didactical support, on school development and on innovative projects in vocational education. The website provides links to vocational schools and institutes for further and continuing education, [...]

Acting on behalf of the Federal Administration, the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) provides tertiary-level basic and continuing training to VET/PET professionals. SFIVET also conducts research and development in the VET/PET field. SFIVET provides: Basic and continuing training of VET/PET professionals at vocational schools, professional [...]

The AFPA is the largest organization in the field of adult professional education in France and Europe. Its tasks are counselling, advice and information for employees and job seekers as well as for State and Territorial administrations and employers in the administration of human resources. The homepage has links to training programs, the various services for employers and [...]

The office, founded unter the protection of the French Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is the official information centre concerning school issues, studies, professions and vocational training. The information relates to most of the professions for which training is available. An "atlas" describes the school and higher education [...]

The Association gives information about its activities and provides numerous further resources, e.g. counselling service, texts of conferences, books and videos available or to lend, family and government activities concerning gifted children.

The Centre for Innovation of Education and Training is an independent institution serving the (formal) recognition and development of competencies, skills, expertise and knowledge. One of CINOP's main tasks is the conceptual development of powerful learning environments. E-learning and the development of multi-media are another concern. CINOP deals with applied research and [...]

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