Childcare at Education Systems International
Keyword from Index: childcare
key words found 1 - 68 of 68
1 - Statistics Norway: Kindergartens / Early Childhood
Statistics on early childhood education and care in Norway, provided by the National Statistical Institute of Norway.
2 - Acts and regulations: Families and Children
Acts and regulations in Norway concerning families and children.
3 - Skolverkets statistik
The education authority Skolverket ist responsible for the official statistics on preschool education, school education, adult education, education expenditure and Swedish education abroad. A comprehensive data collection is available.
4 - Pikler International
The International Pikler Association was founded in 2012. Its objectives are to bring together associatons, groups and individuals worldwide who support the ideas of the Hungarian paediatrician Emmi Pikler, and to promote exchange and contacts. The association aims to spread further education on Pikler's ideas, to support research, to improve the quality of the qualification [...]
5 - Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than a preparatory stage assisting the child’s transition to formal schooling. Today, early childhood policies are placed within a broader context of social development, gender equity and poverty reduction.
UNESCO leads the international policy drive for an integrated early childhood care and education system that [...]
6 - Men in Early Childhood Care and Education Network New Zealand (EC-MENz)
New Zealand
The Men in Early Childhood Care and Education Network New Zealand (EC-MENz) was installed to promote Early Childhood Education as a great career for men, to network with other men involved in Early Childhood Education, to support men in the early childhood education sector and those in training,
to promote the role of men as carers and educators of children, to collect and [...]
7 - MenTeach
United States of America (USA)
MenTeach is a non-profit clearinghouse for both men and women seeking information and resources about men teaching. It was started in 1979 in Minnesota, United States to increase the number of men working with young children. MenTeach is about children's success. It wants a diverse workforce, both men and women teachers, educating and caring for the children to envision an [...]
Professional Syndicate for Childminder and Family Assistants
The Professional Syndicate for Childminders and Family Assistants (SPAMAF) was founded in 1988 and represents all categories of child care and family assistance. It distributes texts such as work contracts, technical information, legal texts and texts which inform about work conditions and conventions. Furthermore, there is an annual congress which discusses about the [...]
9 - Men in Childcare and Education Global Network
Other than a few notable exceptions, most countries` early childhood workforce amounts to about 2%. Therefore, the aim of the Men in Childcare and Education Global Network is to set up a global network of those interested in encouraging men to work in early childhood care and education and also to support those men working in the field.
Austrian Umbrella Association of the Professional Groups of Kindergarten and Nursery Educators
The Austrian Umbrella Association of the Professional Groups of Kindergarten and Nursery Educators was founded in 1994. It is a non-profit society originated by the fusion of the professional groups of kindergarten and nursery educators of Austria. The aim is a non-political and non-religious professional group of educators for kindergartens and nurseries in Austria. On the [...]
Child care in Switzerland
The network offers institution details as well as contact informations about child care institutions in the different cantons of Switzerland.
International Federation for Educative Communities - Switzerland
Switzerland; international
The FICE (Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives) was founded in 1948 with the support of the UNESCO. It is an international organisation for the concerns of educational assistance. As non-governmental organisation, it has counseling status at the UNESCO, the European Council, UNICEF and ECOSOC. FICE is politically and religiously neutral and refuses every [...]
13 - Netzwerk Kinderbetreuung Schweiz
The Network Childcare Switzerland offers, as information platform, news and background information of the different branches of family- and school-complementing care and early childhood education and informs about important dates. Important concerns of the network are the quality of family-complementing care. which orients on the welfare of the children, the school- and [...]
14 - Uganda Education Project (UEP)
The mission of the Uganda Education Project is to provide funds, materials, and human assistance for the education, care and maintenance of the orphans and vulnerable children of Uganda. In furtherance of this mission, the UEP as a charitable organization will maintain the lowest possible administrative costs ensuring that all goods, funds and services are delivered optimally [...]
15 - Starting Strong II: Early Childhood Education and Care
This review of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in twenty OECD countries describes the social, economic, conceptual and research factors that influence early childhood policy. Starting Strong II outlines the progress made by the participating countries in responding to the key aspects of successful ECEC policy outlined in the previous volume, Starting Strong (OECD, [...]
16 - Starting Strong (Early Childhood Education and Care) Network
The Network upholds the mandate of the Education Policy Committee to assist countries to develop effective and efficient policies for education and learning to meet individual, social, cultural and economic objectives. The network aims to support the development of approaches and good practice in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy in participating [...]
17 - Ofsted Annual Reports (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills)
United Kingdom
This page links to the UK's education reports since 1993, officially called "The Annual Report of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills". They are compiled by the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED), which is responsible for the continuous and regular inspection of all state pre-schools, schools [...]
18 - Le Portail des statistiques: Enseignement et formation
The statistical office of Luxemburg offers statistics on the main education areas.
An Overview of the Swedish Education System
The website offers a concise overview of the Swedish education system with brief information about: pre-school, childcare for schoolchildren, compulsory school, non-compulsory schooling, folk high schools (independent adult education colleges), higher vocational education, universities and university colleges. In addition, there is a presentation of the education system with [...]
20 - Education in Japan
This website's mission is to help parents and educators who are seeking to provide their children with the best possible education while living in Japan. It offers detailed information on the school system, common leisure time activities, home schooling, international schools, etc..
21 - Das Bildungssystem in Andorra
This site provides an overview of the education system and its institutions.
22 - Care Council for Wales
United Kingdom; Wales
The Care Council for Wales was established in October 2001 to promote high standards of conduct and practice among social care workers and high standards in their training. The aim is to ensure that children and adults who are receiving social care services (e.g. child day care) in Wales can rely on a workforce that is properly trained, appropriately qualified and effectively [...]
23 - Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC)
United Kingdom
CWDC exists to improve the lives of children, young people, their families and carers by ensuring that all people working with them have the best possible training, qualifications, support and advice. IT contributes to the reform of, and support for the early years workforce. CWDC and its partners are developing this role supported by a set of national standards set at [...]
24 - Families and Work Institute (FWI)
United States of America (USA)
The FWI is a nonprofit center for research that provides data to inform decision-making on the changing workforce, changing family and changing community. Information categories are work-life, education and care, families and communities, fatherhood and parenting.
25 - Early Childhood Surveys
United States of America (USA)
The two primary, repeating early childhood surveys are the School Readiness (SR-NHES) and Early Childhood Program Participation ( ECPP-NHES or ECE-NHES) surveys. On this site the NCES informs on the two surveys as part of the National Household Education Surveys Program.
26 - Then & Now: Changes in Child Care Staffing 1994-2000
United States of America (USA)
Changes in Child Care Staffing , 1994 - 2000, is the first large-scale longitudinal study based on observations of quality in the same childcare centers in three California communities at three points in time (1994, 1996 , and 2000) . Through interviews with teachers and directors, the study captures the characteristics of teachers and directors who stay at , left or entered [...]
27 - Child trends - Research in the service of children
United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1979, Child Trends is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to improving the lives of children by conducting research and providing science-based information to improve the decisions, programs, and policies that affect children and their families. Research areas are: child well-being, marriage/family, research methods, welfare and poverty. Several reports, [...]
28 - National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI)
United States of America (USA)
NBCDI sponsors educational programs to assist in the development of children. ln many regions of the country, the NBCDI is represented by affiliate chapters that provide direct services at the community level. Focus is to improve child welfare services, make universal early care and education a reality, build family support services, press for educational reform and provide [...]
29 - Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
United States of America (USA)
ACEI is an organization of teachers, parents, and other adults interested in promoting best educational practices for children from infancy through early adolescence. Members are dedicated to a flexible, child-centered approach to education. ACEI, is represented at the United Nations and has been granted consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council [...]
30 - Clearing House on Early Education and Parenting
United States of America (USA)
CEEP is the successor to the ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE), which was part of the national information system in education, called ERIC, from 1967 through December 2003. CEEP is part of the Early Childhood and Parenting ( ECAP) Collaborative within the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They work [...]
31 - Administration for Children and Families
United States of America (USA)
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), within the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. The website features information on child care, child support, child-youth and families, Early Childhood Education, the Head Start [...]
32 - Alliance on Early Childhood Finance
United States of America (USA)
The Alliance for Early Childhood Finance is dedicated to seeking more rational financing of early care and education in America through inquiry, analysis and communication among early care and education policy activists. Reports and analysis are available to download. Links to related organisations and further information in the field.
33 - National Childcare Information Center (NCCIC)
United States of America (USA)
The National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC), a service of the Child Care Bureau, is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that links parents, providers, policy-makers, researchers, and the public to early care and education information. The website offers access to a childcare database, state profiles, a virtual library (quick, basic and advanced [...]
34 - Child Trends DataBank
United States of America (USA)
The Child Trends DataBank examines and monitors more than 100 indicators that focus on risks and positive developments for children. For each indicator it summarizes what the research says about its importance to children’s development, tracks trends over time and by subgroup, and highlights strategies likely to improve well-being. It also provides links to state, local, and [...]
35 - Administration for Children and Families - Office of Child Care
United States of America (USA)
The Child Care Bureau is dedicated to enhancing the quality, affordability, and availability of child care for all families. It administers federal funds to states, territories, and strives to assist low-income families in accessing quality child care for children when the parents work or participate in education or training. The website features statistical reports, provider [...]
36 - Child Care Aware of America
United States of America (USA)
Formelry "The National Association of Child Care Resources & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA)", Child Care Aware is a national network of more than 850 child care resource and referral centers (CCR&Rs) located in every state and most communities across the US. CCR&R centers help families, child care providers, and communities find, provide, and plan for affordable, quality child [...]
37 - Childcare and Early Education
From this web site you can download a guide to the principles, standards and regulations of early childcare in Malta. This is a document of the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity and the Ministry for Education, Youth and Employment. The national standards were developed in consideration of day care and educational services for children below three years of age. They [...]
38 - The State of Early Childhood Provision in Dominica
Paper by Sian Williams held at the Dominica Conference 2001 ( University of the West Indies). "The paper reflects on the steps already taken by the Government of Dominica to legislate and promote early childhood service development, and on the implications for policy raised by the findings of a survey of the quality of learning environments in a sample of early childhood [...]
39 - Department of Health and Children (DoHC)
The Department of Health and Children's statutory role is to support the Minister in the formulation and evaluation of policies for the health services. One of the divisions is the Child Care and National Children's Office. Information on social services nurseries from birth to four years, on childcare acts and further legislation. Further related publications for download.
40 - Early Childhood Ireland (Association)
Early Childhood Ireland (ECI) was created in 2012 by merging two organisations: the Irish Preschool Play Association (IPPA) and the National Children’s Nurseries Associations (NCNA). This made ECI the largest membership organisation in the sector of early childhood education. Membership extends not only to persons working in this sector, but also to parents, toddlers, [...]
41 - National Development Plan
The NDP is an investment plan for Ireland, which involves an investment of public, private and EU funds over the period 2000-2006. The Plan involves significant investment in health services, social housing, education, roads, public transport, rural development, industry, water and waste services, childcare and local development. This website provides information on the NDP, [...]
42 - Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
One of the Department's main areas is the development and implementation of policy in relation to equal treatment generally, anti- racism, disability equality, human rights and childcare. E.g. the Equal Opportunities Childcare programme 2000-2006 offers grant assistance for the development of childcare services. The website features information on legislation, a media center, [...]
43 - Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (CECDE)
In 2001 the Minister for Education and Science asked the Dublin Institute of Technology and St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra to jointly establish CECDE.The aim of the CECDE is to develop and co-ordinate early childhood education in pursuance of the objectives of the White Paper 'Ready to Learn' and to advise the Department of Education and Science on policy issues in this [...]
44 - Institute of Education University of London: Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU)
United Kingdom
TCRU is a multidisciplinary research unit within the Institute of Education at the University of London. The Unit was founded in 1973 by Professor Jack Tizard and focusses on four streams of research: 1) Health and well-being of children, young people, and families; 2) Research on parenting and family support; 3.) Studies of children's services and environments; 4.) Studies [...]
45 - Österreichischer Dachverband der Berufsgruppen der Kindergarten- und HortpädagogInnen
ÖDHK stands for an umbrella organisation of professionals in early childhood education and care in Austria, established in 1994. As a non-profit organisation it integrates relevant occupational groups from the Länder. Representation of interests and of childrens rights are the main aims of the organisation. The website features beside information on ÖDHK, position papers, [...]
46 - Österreichisches Institut für Familienforschung (ÖIF)
The Austrian Institute for Family Studies (ÖIF) was founded as an independent, non-profit organisation in 1994 to carry out social research in an interdisciplinary way. This approach allows a broad yet differentiated analysis of family issues and constitutes a challenge in the Institute's research orientation. In view of the fact that 'family science' has not yet [...]
47 - Caribbean Early Childhood Development (CaribECD)
The objective of this website is "to increase the sharing of information, strategies, resources and overall communication on early childhood, parenting and the family within the Caribbean". The website offers access to various early childhood associations in the Caribbean, information on conferences and research, a newsletter and links.
48 - Integrating Early Childhood Into Education: The Case of Sweden
This UNESCO POLICY BRIEF ON EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, May 2002, informs on reforms undertaken in early childhood education and care in Sweden since this area of responsibility has been handed over in 1996 from the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs to the Ministry of Education and Science.
49 - Training and Certification
Jamaica; Grenada; Anguilla; Caribbean; United Kingdom
The paper presented at the 4th Caribbean Early Childhood Conference, Georgetown, Guyana, July 2002 compares models of qualification in the childcare and pre-school sector in Jamaica, Grendada and Anguilla.
The link offered here leads you to the webarchive and is a copy of the website as of 2005.
50 - Tokyo with Kids Forums: Education in Japan.
This site provides a discussion forum for English speaking parents residing in Japan. They can register a profile and communicate with other parents on relevant topics such as childcare, education and school in an intercultural environment.It is possible to search speecific topics by key word,
51 - Japan with Kids. Ressources for Parents of Children with Special Needs.
This website is provided by English speaking parents residing in Japan. It aims at collecting all information about raising and educating children in Japan parents who are new to the country may need. Numerous links lead to babysitting, nursery institutions and schools. There is a focus on the education of children with special needs. This particular section of the site lists [...]
52 - Belarus - Education, Universities and Schools
This comprehensive link collection is subdivided according to the following categories: Education and training; Universities and higher education institutions; Colleges, schools, lyceums; Child and youth upbringing, students associations. A considerable part of these links refers to the capital of Minsk and to the region of Vitebsk.
53 - Ready To Learn - White Paper on Early Childhood Education (2020)
The White Paper is published by the Irish Department of Education. It "focuses on children from birth to six years. It covers the whole spectrum of educational needs: the development of very young children in the home, supports to parents concerning how best to help their children to learn, a wide range of supports for private providers and voluntary/community groups and a [...]
54 - OECD - Early Childhood Education and Care Home Page - Country information: Norway
Different reports on Early Childhood Education and Care in Norway since 1998.
55 - OECD Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care Policy - Background Report Denmark 2000
Background report (63 pages) from the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs and Education for the OECD, in conjunction with their participation in the project 'Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care' 1998-2000.
56 - Regulations on a framework plan for the content and tasks of kindergartens
Current Norwegian framework plan for the content and tasks of kindergartens. Summary of the framework contents and access to the corresponding Norwegian laws (HTML format).
57 - Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Sweden. Background report prepared for the OECD Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care Policy. (1999)
Background report (84 pages) from the Swedisch Ministry of Education and Science for the OECD, in conjunction with their participation in the project ´Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care´ 1998-2000.
58 - Early childhood education and care in Sweden
The Childcare Resource and Research Unit is a Canadian early childhood education and child care (ECEC) policy research institute. In its ISSUE File collection of online resources it highlights useful online resources detailing and discussing Sweden´s highly developed ECEC system. Material is divided into four sections: Documents from the Swedish government, reports from the [...]
59 - The Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU)
The Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) is a policy and research oriented facility that focuses on early childhood education and child care (ECEC) and family policy in Canada and internationally. It has been developed and staffed by individuals with diverse backgrounds including early childhood education, psychology, library sciences, political science, women´s [...]
60 - Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF)
CCCF wants to improve the quality of child care services for Canadian families. Aims are to provide information to and facilitating "networking" among a broad range of target groups( e.g. child care organizations, educational institutions, government policy makers...). Furthermore CCCF wants to support initiatives and research to improve the quality of child care services. On [...]
61 - The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
United States of America (USA)
NAEYC, founded in 1926, is an organization of early childhood educators dedicated to improve the quality of programs for children from birth through third grade. The website offers information on their accreditation programs, which set professional standards for early childhood education programs. The section "Early Childhood Issues" provides information and research reports [...]
Statistics Austria: Education, culture
The website offers data on the following topics: formal education (child care, school education, higher education, educational expenditure, teaching staff), adult education, further training, lifelong learning, educational attainment and culture.
The Swedish National Agency for Education
The National Agency for Education is the central administrative authority for the public school system, publicly organised preschooling, school-age childcare and for adult education. The mission of the Agency is to actively work for the attainment of the goals set by the government. The website offers detailed information on the Swedish education system in English.
64 - Department of Education and Children's Services, South Australia
The website of the Department of Education and Children's Services offers extensive information on all aspects of education in South Australia. It is organised according to levels of education and concerned groups (students, parents, etc.).
65 - Saskatchewan Education
The Ministry provides leadership and direction to the early learning and child care, Kindergarten through Grade 12 education, literacy, and library sectors. The Ministry supports the sectors through funding, governance, and accountability, with a focus on improving student achievement.
Education in New Zealand
New Zealand
The New Zealand Ministry website on education and care.
67 - Deutscher Bildungsserver
The German Education Server (eduserver) is an information portal maintained by the federal authorities and the sixteen federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver provides access to information on the education system of the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver makes the high-quality information available through a system of databases. The range of [...]
68 - Department for Education
United Kingdom
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children´s services. The website offers information on schools, transition from school to training or higher education, early learning, family eduation and social work as well as information on research and statistics and publications.
News worldwide
- Science at war: Ukraine and Russia research reposition themselves (DLF Kultur 11.07.24) [courtesy translation]
- #ETU4REF - ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ (project 2023-2025)
- Reconstruction Ukraine: The importance of science, Interview Ursula Paintner, DAAD (DLF 11.06.24) [courtesy translation]
- The UK's withdrawal from Erasmus + has far-reaching consequences (DLF 10.06.24) [courtesy translation]