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Denmark - Early childhood care and education


The Division of Family Affairs at the National Social Appeals Board assists the Minister of Integration and Social Affairs in family law issues. Family law embraces many subjects, and the National Social Appeals Board handles cases, projects and preparatory law work in a number of fields, such as child access, custody, child domicile, [...]

Das dänische Ministerium ist für die Bereiche Kinder, Jugendliche, Bildung und Geschlechtergleichstellung zuständig.

Responsibilities of the Danish Ministry of Education cover all levels and areas of education. Therefore this website provides the respective links to vocational training, adult education and higher education. Besides the site offers facts about the education system in Denmark, information on projects and instructions for the [...]

National curriculum

Background reports

Background report (63 pages) from the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs and Education for the OECD, in conjunction with their participation in the project 'Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care' 1998-2000.

Der OECD- Bericht (2001) gibt einen Überblick über Entwicklungen im dänischen System, z.B. die Annäherung zwischen Kindergarten und Primarschule, Ausbildung des Personals, Hintergrundinformationen und Zahlen und benennt mögliche Aktions- und Reformschwerpunkte für die Zukunft.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in [...]

Last Update: 03.01.2014  -

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