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How do teachers learn? Cartographic Approaches on Teachers’ Corporeal, Ecological and Nomadic Learning

25.10.2018, 09:30 Uhr - 26.10.2018, 19:00 Uhr

Fundació Antoni Tàpies
Carrer d’Aragó, 255
08007 Barcelona


h t t p s : / / e s b r i n a . e u / e n / p o r t f o l i o / c a r t o g r a p h i c - a p p r o a c h e s - o n - t e a c h e r s - c o r p o r e a l - e c o l o g i c a l - a n d - n o m a d i c - l e a r n i n g - 2 /Externer Link

We would like to invite colleagues to reflect and share issues and questions emerging from this nomadic process of inquiry: How can we access ‘places’ beyond the pre-established frameworks for research on teachers’ learning? How to think on teachers’ learning beyond objectivity, modern onto-epistemologies, and representational logic in research? Which are the contributions of inventive methods to expanding and questioning the narrative of teachers’ biographical-learning trajectories? In which ways the cartographic process affects teachers’ learning gazes and researchers’ positionalities? How a nomadic approach could introduce disruptive ways of thinking about what research on teachers’ learning could be? How notions such as “becoming, displacement, strength, assemblage, entanglement, affects, gestures…” could expand the ways of narrating and help to raise new questions about teachers’ learning -and the very notion of ‘learning’ itself? Which are the potentialities of strategies coming from this nomadic approach of learning and researching to rethink teacher professional development?


Teacher, Teachers' training, Learning,

Type of event conference/ convention/ symposium
Thematic area primary school; lower secondary school; upper secondary school; special education school; higher education; science/ educational research
Target group school teachers; lecturers/ researchers; teacher trainers
Conference language English; other
Organised by Esbrina and Elkarrikertuz
Last modified 05.07.2018

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