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Practical aspects

This project Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education is an extension of the work that has already been completed in relation to primary education. It makes use of the same study framework, goals and methodology. Based on an international literature review, case studies in 14 European countries, expert visits in five countries as well as various [...]

This report contains an overview of the findings of the first phase of the Classroom and School Practice project focussing upon the secondary level of educational provision. ... This report presents the information collected during this first study phase of the project: the literature review. Review reports were received from 12 countries and they are all presented in this [...]

This report contains an overview of the findings of the Classroom and School Practice project. The project is focused on revealing, analysing, describing and disseminating classroom practices in inclusive settings in such a way that European teachers can implement inclusive practices on a wider scale in their classrooms. Furthermore, it addresses decision-makers within the [...]

    - Guides to implement inclusive education in practice -

This document provides guidelines and concepts for rendering National Education Plans / Education for All (EFA) more inclusive, with the objective of ensuring access and quality education for ALL learners. This paper is intended to systematize how excluded children are planned for in education. It begins with a brief introduction, which provides a historical perspective on the [...]

The education of children with diverse backgrounds and abilities remains a major challenge in the Asia-Pacific region. In April 2000, the World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal, set as its second goal: "ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to and complete free and [...]

    - Case studies -

This review forms part of a larger study called SPARCLE that aims to identify which environmental factors, if improved, will yield the greatest benefits for disabled children1 and their families. [It] brings together for the first time factors relevant to the lives of disabled children which operate at national level in seven European countries. It is a unique collation, [...]

This review forms part of a larger study called SPARCLE that aims to identify which environmental factors, if improved, will yield the greatest benefits for disabled children1 and their families. [It] brings together for the first time factors relevant to the lives of disabled children which operate at national level in seven European countries. It is a unique collation, [...]

These student materials are part of a UNESCO project to help schools and teachers respond to pupils with special needs. The materials are intended to be used flexibly to fit in with different situations. They may, for example, be used as: part of an initial training course for teachers, an in-service workshop for experienced teachers, the basis of a school-based staff [...]

Teachers the world over are in a key position to make the goals of The Dakar Framework for Action, Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitments as expressed at the Dakar World Education Forum in 2000 happen. Although the grassroots work might sometimes appear 'small' or 'of limited interest', the success of achieving those goals is built in the classroom. Particularly [...]

The term 'inclusive education' is relatively new in Romanian pedagogy but much of the educational practice in Romania puts this philosophy into practice. The special education sector is mainly responsible for the adoption of inclusive education principles in Romania, with integration having been practised for some years. Before 1989, special classes had been operating within [...]

In line with its work to promote new strategies to reach children and young people with special educational needs within regular education and community-based programmes, UNESCO invited a number of practitioners to share successful experiences, projects, etc. in this domain. The compiled stories reflect initiatives of different groups of practitioners - teachers, parents, [...]

This early stage in life is not only crucial to a child's future development -it can also be a time for children to discover differences in a positive light, learning to live, to play and to learn together. These 'first steps' are extremely important in facilitating inclusion throughout schooling. UNESCO invited practitioners to share their experiences in the area of inclusive [...]

Der Schweizerische Bildungsserver bietet Informationen zu den Formen der Sonderschulung in der Schweiz, zu rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und Finanzierung, zu Entwicklungen, statistischen Daten, Aufnahmebedingungen, Lerninhalte, Anforderungen und zur weiterführenden Ausbildung.

Ferdinand Klein reports about his activities as a guest lecturer in Slovakia. He shows tendencies, developments and changes of this subject since the end of Czechoslovakia in 1993.

Vortrag auf der Tagung ´´Integration und Tiroler Stolpersteine´´, 24.11.2004, Innsbruck auf Einladung der Plattform Integration.

Da England - wie die meisten westlichen englischsprachigen Länder - in der Diskussion um Inclusion dem deutschsprachigen Raum um einiges voraus ist, soll näher untersucht werden, ob auch die dortige Praxis bereits Vorzeigecharakter aufweist. Einer der Faktoren, die hierfür sprechen, ist beispielsweise der Index of Inclusion, welcher an alle Schulen des Landes geschickt [...]

Bericht eines Englisch-Lehrers über das integrative Unterrichten behinderter Kinder an einer österreichischen Hauptschule ab 1989.

This document is about communities, teachers and children working together to minimise barriers to learning and promote the inclusion of all children in school. It is constructed from the voices of a group of teachers from fifteen schools in different countries who have shared the experiences, classroom practices, successes and challenges faced as they made their classrooms [...]

Weltweit ist die Realisierung angemessener Partizipationsmöglichkeiten an kulturellen, sozialen und materiellen Ressourcen der jeweiligen Gesellschaft für alle Bürger eine bisher nicht zufrieden stellend gelöste Aufgabe. Dies betrifft Kinder wie Erwachsene, behinderte wie nicht behinderte Menschen. Faktoren des konkreten Mensch-Umfeld-Systems beeinflussen [...]

In der deutschen Öffentlichkeit ist der Begriff Inklusion noch weitgehend unbekannt und selbst in pädagogischen Kreisen herrscht erstaunlich viel Unsicherheit über seine Bedeutung. Der Beitrag macht die Differenz zwischen dem älteren Begriff der Integration und dem neueren Begriff der Inklusion deutlich, verweist auf internationale Vereinbarungen und zeigt die [...]

Die Gesetze und Gerichtsentscheidungen zur schulischen Integration behinderter Kinder und Jugendlicher in den Vereinigten Staaten seit dem 2. Weltkrieg dienen Deutschland als aufschlussreiches Kontrastbeispiel. Gerade der deutsch-amerikanische Vergleich eröffnet vielfältige Einsichten aufgrund der langen, wechselseitig verflochtenen Entwicklung der Wissenschaft und der [...]

Der Beitrag basiert auf dem Einführungsvortrag für den vds-Kongress 2007 in Frankfurt am Main. Die Inklusionspädagogik formuliert die gesellschaftliche Zielperspektive der gleichberechtigten gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe aller Menschen, ungeachtet ihres Geschlechts, ihrer sozialen und kulturellen Herkunft, ihrer sexuellen Präferenzen, ihrer Begabungen, oder ihrer [...]

"This article reviews the development of special education in the Finnish comprehensive school from the sixties to the present time. A constant feature has been the continuing growth of special class placements. In 2008, upwards of 6.1% of the students in comprehensive schools were placed in special classes at least part-time. The legitimization of the separate special class [...]

In Südtirol findet flächendeckende Integration umfassend über alle Schularten und -stufen hinweg statt. Die wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung, Bedingungen, Herausforderungen und die Perspektiven des gemeinsamen Unterrichts in Südtirol und wirft die Frage auf, inwieweit das Südtiroler System Anregungen und Hilfestellung für [...]

Seit über drei Jahrzehnten wird um den Begriff der Integration, und später Inklusion, im deutschen Schulwesen debattiert. Das Ergebnis ist eine von Kontroversen geprägte, umfangreiche, theoretische Basis, wahrscheinlich umfassender als in jedem anderen Land und eine ambivalente schulische Praxis. Auf der einen Seite bestehen Tendenzen zu einer inklusiven Beschulung, auf der [...]

    - Networks - Portals - Associations -

The main objective of the agency is to work towards the creation of a coherent and permanent framework for extended European co- operation in the field of special needs education. Its main tasks are to collect, process and distribute information about new and innovative measures in the field of special needs education as well as to [...]

"Inclusion International is a global federation of family-based organizations advocating for the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities worldwide." Over 200 federations in 115 countries are members of Inclusion International. The webiste provides information on international developments in the field of [...]

Das Internetportal, zusammengestellt von Ines Boban und Andreas Hinz, enthält Informationen rund um die Inklusionspädagogik, dazu zählen Literaturhinweise, Informationen und Beiträge zu den Integrationstagen Sachsen-Anhalt und die Themen Index für Inklusion und Zukunftsplanung.

Inclusion Europe is a European association that campaigns for the rights and interests of people with intellectual disabilities and their families throughout Europe. Inclusion Europe is also a member of Inclusion International. The website provides information on the legal situation in the respective European countries, on political [...]

The Enabling Education Network (EENET) has been set up to establish an information-sharing network aimed at supporting and promoting the inclusion of marginalised groups in education world wide.- This homepage offers various links to reports, case studies, training materials, publications bibliographies on topics regarding [...]

United Kingdom
"ALLFIE is an organisation of disabled people, parents and disabled children and their allies, campaigning for an to compulsary segregation in the education system". The site offers addresses, literature and an electronic journal.

EDF is a European umbrella organisation representing more than 37 million disabled people in Europe. Its mission is to ensure disabled citizens´ full access to fundamental and human rights through their active involvement in policy development and implementation in the European Union.

    - Journals - Newsletters -

Die Zeitschrift erscheint dreimal jährlich, wobei jede Ausgabe einem Schwerpunktthema gewidmet ist, das durch Einzelbeiträge und einen aktuellen Informationsteil ergänzt wird. Die Beiträgen sind sowohl in deutscher als auch in englischer Sprache. Die einzelnen Hefte können direkt heruntergeladen werden.

Access to the fulltext of the journal starting with Vol 16 (1) 2001. The journal publishes original articles concerning special education. Experimental as well as theoretical articles are sought. Potential contributors are encouraged to submit reviews of research, historical, and philosophical studies, case studies and content analyses in addition to experimental [...]

Last Update: 13.01.2011  -

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