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Ariadne Pfad:


Where Immigrant Students Succeed - A Comparative Review of Performance and Engagement in PISA 2003

h t t p s : / / w w w . o e c d - i l i b r a r y . o r g / e d u c a t i o n / w h e r e - i m m i g r a n t - s t u d e n t s - s u c c e e d _ 9 7 8 9 2 6 4 0 2 3 6 1 1 - e nExterner Link

Based on the assumption that the successful integration of immigrant students into the education system presents a central concern to many countries worldwide, this report analyses evidence from PISA 2003 on outcomes of schooling including how well immigrant students perform in key school subjects at the age of 15, as well as how they assess themselves as learners and what their general attitudes are towards school. Two groups of immigrant students are analysed: first-generation students who were born outside the country of assessment and whose parents were also born in a different country; and second-generation students who themselves were born in the country of assessment but whose parents were born in a different country, i.e. students who have followed all their schooling in the country of assessment. The analyses include seventeen countries with significant immigrant student populations: the OECD countries Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States as well as the partner countries Hong Kong-China, Macao-China and the Russian Federation. Throughout, the report attempts to identify factors that might contribute to between-country differences in immigrant student outcomes and as such could offer policy makers potential intervention points to improve the situation of these students.

Fach, Sachgebiet

Schulerfolg, Vergleich, Migrant, Migrationshintergrund, Schüler, immigrant student, school, success, PISA, comparison,

Bildungsbereich Sekundarstufe I
Ressourcenkategorie Monographie/Buch/Dissertation
Angaben zum Autor der Ressource / Kontaktmöglichkeit OECD
Erstellt am 15.05.2006
Sprache Englisch
Rechte Keine Angabe, es gilt die gesetzliche Regelung
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Kostenpflichtig nein
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