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Inclusion International

Inclusion Europa - Respekt, Solidarität und Inklusion für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung und ihre Familien

Rue d'Arlon 55
1040 Brüssel

h t t p s : / / w w w . i n c l u s i o n - e u r o p e . e u /Externer Link

European Association of Persons with Intellectual Disability and their Families - Inclusion Europe is a non-profit organization. It campaigns for the rights and interests of people with intellectual disability and their families throughout Europe. Inclusion Europe is a regional member of Inclusion International. Inclusion International has consultative status with the UN.


Europe, Mentally handicapped, Inclusion,

Type of institution international institute
Country Belgium
Phone +32-2-502 28 15
Telefax +32-2-502 80 10
last modified 07.05.2019

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