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Hannah Aremdt Centre at the University of Oldenburg (HAZ)


h t t p s : / / u o l . d e / e n / p h i l o s o p h y / r e s e a r c h / h a n n a h - a r e n d t - c e n t r eExterner Link

The Hannah Arendt Center organises workshops, conferences and publications on the works of Hannah Arendt and 20th Century philosophy. Its focus lies on the Hannah Arendt archives where large part of the written papers of Hannah Arendt is stored, and available to the academic and general public.


Democracy, society, Totalitarianism,

Type of institution university
Country Germany
Mailbox Postfach 2541
Zipcode of the mailbox 26015
Town of the mailbox Oldenburg
Phone (+49) 0441/798-2258
Telefax (+49) 0441/798-5863
last modified 10.10.2019

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