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State Institute for Early Childhood Research and Media Literacy (IFP)

Winzererstraße 9
80797 München

h t t p s : / / w w w . i f p . b a y e r n . d e / e n g l i s h / i n s t i t u t e / i n d e x . p h pExterner Link

The Bavarian Staatsinstitut für Frühpädagogik und Medienkompetenz (State Institute for Early Childhood Research and Media Literacy (IFP)), Germany, is a research centre focusing on innovative projects in early childhood education, research into early learning and knowledge transfer for practitioners and policy-makers. The IFP has strong ties to other research institutes and specialist institutions at national, European and international levels.


Monitoring, Digitalization, Early childhood education, Media skills, Media education, Professionalization,

Type of institution non-university research/ service
Country Germany
Phone +49-89-99825-1900
Telefax +49-89-99825-1919
Projects of the Institution

Medienkompetenz in der Frühpädagogik stärken
Modellversuch "Pädagogische Qualitätsbegleitung in Kindertageseinrichtungen"

last modified 27.03.2023

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