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International Graduate School Zittau (IHI Zittau)

Markt 23
02763 Zittau

h t t p s : / / t u - d r e s d e n . d e / i h i - z i t t a u ? s e t _ l a n g u a g e = e nExterner Link

The International Graduate School Zittau was founded in 1993. The youngest university institution of the State of Saxony offers four main courses of study: Business Administration, Industrial Engineering and Administration, Environmental High Technology and Social Sciences.


Biotechnology, Information technology, Master course, Project management, Conferment of a doctorate, Economic ethics,

Type of institution university
Country Germany
Phone 03583 6127 - 00
Telefax 03583 6127 - 34
last modified 17.05.2019

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