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Pro Asyl

Frankfurt am Main

h t t p s : / / w w w . p r o a s y l . d e / e n /Externer Link

Pro Asyl is a non-governmental orgganisation of church and trade union activists, refugee councillors, etc. that monitors German and EU asylum legislation and policies in the light of human rights and human rights violations. It cooperates with national and international stakeholders.


Asylum, Refugee, Human rights, Political education, Law,

Type of institution alliance/ association/ interest group
Country Germany
Mailbox Postfach 160 624
Zipcode of the mailbox 60069
Town of the mailbox Frankfurt am Main
Phone (+49) 069 - 23 06 88
Telefax (+49) 069 - 23 06 50
last modified 27.08.2020

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