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Calle Vitruvio 8,2.a Planta
28006 Madrid

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The Spanish Pedagogical Society (SEP) is a non-profit scientific and professional organization open to all persons and organizations that are interested in reflecting on education and improving its quality. By means of its journal Bordón and organizing various courses and seminars, the aim was to generate an ambience of pedagogic discussion that would help bring about changes in the education system. The most noteworthy actions revolved on organizing the National Conferences on Pedagogy and on promoting the new sections on Pedagogy at Spanish universities. Heir to that tradition, the SEP today focuses its activity on publishing the journal Bordón. This scientific journal in pedagogy is published quarterly. Originally aimed at servicing Spanish education, its vocation now extends worldwide. Headquartered at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the SEP also carries out a number of activities in science. The most noteworthy is undoubtedly having organized a National (and later, International) Conference on Pedagogy every four years since 1959, to bring together representatives from all areas of education to study questions of interest to the field of pedagogy. Among its main aims are the following: Stimulate pedagogic research and disseminate the results • Facilitate practical application of those results • Promote exchanges between researchers in pedagogy on the national and international level • Contribute continuously to the training and development of education professionals To reach those objectives, the Society performs the following activities: Courses, conferences, round tables, meetings, etc. • Scientific workshops • Exchanges with foreign centers of research and teaching • Scientific research • Publication of books, journals, reports, etc. • Writing reports and manifestos on the pedagogical problems today • Facilitate the spread of pedagogy by taking part in radio and television talk shows, etc.

Type of institution society
Country Spain
Phone +34 / 91 561 48 39
Telefax +34 / 91 561 48 39
last modified 24.01.2014

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