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German Youth Institute (DJI)

Nockherstr. 2
81541 München

h t t p s : / / w w w . d j i . d e / e n / i n d e x . h t m lExterner Link

The German Youth Institute is Germany´s largest non-university research institute devoted to the study of children, youth, and families. Both at its headquarters in Munich and at a second office in Halle the non-profit organisation employs 140 social scientists. The Institute is mainly funded by the Federal Government and Germany´s Laender. Additional funds come from the European Commission and national and international foundations. The German Youth Institute employs a wide range of quantitative and qualitative research strategies and methods such as continuous social monitoring of changing living conditions and studies on specific socio-political questions. Based on its research results, the Institute provides expertise and data bases for policy makers and practicioners at the European, federal, regional, and local level. The Institute runs international research projects, participates in international conferences, and hosts foreign researchers, practitioners, and politicians.


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