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World University Service of Canada
World University Service, Deutsches Komitee e.V.

Information Centre Educational Mandate North-South

Goebenstraße 35
65195 Wiesbaden

h t t p s : / / w w w . w u s g e r m a n y . d e / e n / g l o b a l - e d u c a t i o n / i n f o r m a t i o n - c e n t r e - e d u c a t i o n a l - m a n d a t e - n o r t h - s o u t hExterner Link

The landscape of Development Education in Germany consists of a variety of local, regional, national and international state and non-state actors. They all inform, communicate, discuss and engage in the area of Development Education and Global Learning in many different ways. For both interested persons and the actors themselves it is difficult to obtain an overview of this diversity. The Information Centre Educational Mandate North-South (Informationsstelle Bildungsauftrag Nord-Süd), resident at World University Service (WUS) – German Committee in Wiesbaden since 1991, works to provide greater transparency and visibility of the wide range of activities.


Education, Developmentally appropriate practices, Development policy, Global change, Global Approach, Global learning, Globalization, Interculturality, Sustainable development, Sustainability,

Type of institution alliance/ association/ interest group
Country Germany
last modified 07.02.2019

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