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Center for Italian Studies Babilonia

Via Timoleone 10
98039 Taormina

h t t p s : / / w w w . b a b i l o n i a . i t / s t u d y - a b r o a d - a c a d e m i c - p r o g r a m s - i n - i t a l y /Externer Link

The Center for Italian Studies Babilonia, located in Taormina, Sicily, hosts several U.S. Universities programs for both Graduate & Undergraduate students. It offers short-term programs (winter and summer programs) and long-term programs (semester programs). Students can directly transfer academic credits or earn undergraduate or graduate credits through Auburn University for all our courses.


Academic studies, Male student,

Type of institution non-public provider of education
Country Italy
Phone +39 349 762 8502
Parts of the Institution

Babilonia - Sprachschule

last modified 07.03.2017

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