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Joachim Herz Stiftung

Langenhorner Chaussee 384
22419 Hamburg

h t t p s : / / w w w . j o a c h i m - h e r z - s t i f t u n g . d e /Externer Link

The Joachim Herz Stiftung promotes education, science and research in the fields of economics and business administration as well as in the natural sciences. Educating and empowering individuals are the common goals of all programs. The Foundation was founded in 2008.


Germany, Education, Science, Research, Talent Development, Legal science, Medicine,

Type of institution foundation/ trust
Country Germany
Phone 040 533 295-0
Telefax 040 533 295-77
Projects of the Institution

Methoden des Biologieunterrichts digital umsetzen
Digital macht Schule
Lehren – Das Bündnis für Hochschullehre

last modified 28.11.2014

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