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Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Fakultät für Nachhaltigkeit

Institute of Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry (ISEC)

Scharnhorststr. 1
21335 Lüneburg

h t t p s : / / w w w . l e u p h a n a . d e / e n / i n s t i t u t e s / i s e c . h t m lExterner Link

Research and teaching activities of the Institute of Environmental Chemistry focus on the use of chemical materials and its environmental impact. Environmental Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry are the two complementary subcategories of our research activities. The objectives of the Environmental Chemistry are to study the environmental behaviour of already existing chemicals. Sustainable Chemistry builds on this knowledge in order to develop solutions that meet the criteria of sustainability.


Chemistry, higher education, Sustainable development, Sustainability, Channel of academic studies, Academic studies, Academic sector,

Type of institution university
Country Germany
Phone 04131 677 2894
Telefax 04131 677 2848
last modified 16.08.2018

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