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Vitra Design Museum (VDM)

Charles-Eames-Strasse 2
79576 Weil am Rhein

h t t p s : / / w w w . d e s i g n - m u s e u m . d e / e n / i n f o r m a t i o n . h t m lExterner Link

The Vitra Design Museum maintains one of the largest collections of modern furniture design in the world, with objects representing all of the major eras and stylistic periods from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present. Vitra Design MuseumÂ’s educational program consists of activities for adults, teenagers and children. These provide access to design and architectural themes, taking into account the different needs of each target group. In a practically-oriented manner, the courses offer insights into design processes and the challenges involved, which call upon attendees to think rationally, work imaginatively and display manual dexterity.



Type of institution library/ documentation centre/ museum
Country Germany
Phone 07621 702 32 00
Telefax 07621 702 35 90
last modified 19.09.2012

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