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Museum AUTOVISION - die Technologie-Arena

Hauptstraße 154
68804 Altlußheim

h t t p s : / / m u s e u m - a u t o v i s i o n . c o m /Externer Link

The museum AUTOVISION · is the first exhibition in Europe to show the possibilities and visions of mobility that exist at the beginning of the new millennium. It is considered that the future also has a past. Moreover it is worldwide the first permanent exhibition of Wankel engines. Further highlights are the new Science Arena and the museum in motion. The exhibitions not only address technically interested visitors, but want to inspire particularly the youth - our future - for technical solutions of mobility.


Motor vehicles,

Type of institution non-public provider of education
Country Germany
Phone +49 (0) 62 05 - 30 76 61
last modified 13.06.2019

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