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Ariadne Pfad:


The European Cultural Foundation (ECF)

Jan van Goyenkade 5
1075 HN Amsterdam

h t t p : / / w w w . e u r o c u l t . o r gExterner Link

The ECF aims to add a human dimension to the economic, technical and legal initiatives of the new Europe, to create a Europe of the spirit and of the heart. The statutes of the ECF state: The Foundation shall have as its aims to promote cultural and educational inivities and research of a multinational nature and of a European character. Information on the ECF policy (look also under ), organisation, activities and programmes and grants, hints on publications.


Forschungsförderung, Europa, kulturelle Bedürfnisse, europäische Integration, Kooperation, Kunst, Theater, cultural integration, cooperation, art, theater, living together,,

Art der Institution Internationale Einrichtung
Land Niederlande
Telefon +31 (0) 20 573 38 68
Telefax +31 (0) 20 675 22 31
Zuletzt geändert am 07.11.2008

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