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European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)

Peterseliegang 1
3000 Leuven

h t t p s : / / w w w . e a r l i . o r g /Externer Link

EARLI exists to support and promote an active research culture in the field of learning and instruction. EARLI enables about 2800 members from 56 countries to engage in critical dialogue. They systematically exchange and discuss ideas on instructional and educational research, as well as on research on industrial training. For these scholars, drawn from all parts of Europe and many parts of the world, EARLI provides a platform to contribute to current debates. Through its networks, activities and the publication of journals and book series, EARLI promotes both international and interdisciplinary cooperation.


Lernen, Instruktion, Bildungsforschung, Ausbildung,

Art der Institution Fachgesellschaft
URL der Veröffentlichungslisten‌publications
Land Belgien
Telefon +32 16 23 19 00
Zuletzt geändert am 13.02.2014

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