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Ariadne Pfad:


Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (University of Amsterdam)

Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185
1012 DK Amsterdam

h t t p : / / w w w . i m e s . u v a . n l /Externer Link

The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies is an interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Amsterdam which has existed since 1994. The research programme promotes the encounter and - where possible - the integration of different perspectives and therefore co-operates with the Departments of Anthropology, Sociology, Communication Science, Political Science, Social Geography, Economic Geography, Econometrics, and Administrative Law and the Department of Socal and Economic History.


Niederlande, Migration, Ethnische Beziehungen, Interkulturalität, Sozialforschung, Migrationsforschung, Bevölkerungswanderung, Rassismus, migration, racism, ethnic relations, social sciences, research, Niederlande,

Art der Institution Universität / Hochschuleinrichtung
Land Niederlande
Telefon +31 20525 2120
Telefax +31 20525 3628
Zuletzt geändert am 22.03.2012

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