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Ariadne Pfad:


Change orientated learning and the Greek disability movement - a mutually beneficial encounter between knowledge and action.

h t t p s : / / n b n - r e s o l v i n g . o r g / u r n : n b n : d e : 0 1 1 1 - p e d o c s - 1 5 5 3 2 0Externer Link

h t t p s : / / d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 2 5 6 5 6 / 0 1 : 1 5 5 3 2Externer Link

h t t p s : / / w w w . p e d o c s . d e / f r o n t d o o r . p h p ? s o u r c e _ o p u s = 1 5 5 3 2Externer Link

This paper is a qualitative survey based on the exploration of disabled peoples' existing experience of participating in non-formal forms of education, which take place in the context of the Greek disability movement. Its aim is to record the way in which this kind of education can be a catalyst in the empowerment of disabled people. Data was obtained through semi-structured interviews held with both learners with disabilities and educators and from direct observation of the educational process. The main findings of this study explore the ways in which educators can contribute to the empowerment of disabled people. It is found that the empowerment of learners cannot simply be regarded as an aspect of education but rather as an integral part embedded in the content, in the educational methods and in the role of the educator. Finally, the paper highlights the necessity for disability organisations to cooperate with the fields of disability studies and adult education, in order for them to jointly conceive and try out new more transformative pedagogical methods. (DIPF/Orig.).

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