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Ariadne Pfad:


The International Model For School Counseling Programs.

h t t p s : / / w w w . a a s s a . c o m / u p l o a d e d / E d u c a t i o n a l _ R e s e a r c h / U S _ D e p a r t m e n t _ o f _ S t a t e / C o u n s e l i n g _ S t a n d a r d s / I n t e r n a t i o n a l _ C o u n s e l i n g _ M o d e l _ H a n d b o o k . p d fExterner Link

"The aim of the International Model for School Counseling Programs is to provide a framework for encouraging and promoting best practices among international school counselors. By creating "Unity from Diversity" for international school counseling programs, the International Model will guide the formation, review, and improvement of counseling programs at schools all over the world. (...) The program shows school counselors how to keep data based on the competencies taught and the results attained. Research of a results-based approach to school counseling has shown to contribute to academic achievement. School counselors in the 21st century internationally will learn to access, analyze, interpret, and display data from their schools to show results. Yearly school counseling audits will be compared to show how the international programs are making a difference." [Abstract: Author's information].

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