S��urest��rke - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen (16)

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151 bis 160
  • NSA Surveillance & the Politics of Whistleblowing

    Edward Snowden's leak of classified information about the NSA's surveillance of American citizens has touched off a debate about the need for government secrecy versus the public’s right to know. Two student readings and discussion questions probe the controversy (TeachableMoment USA 2013).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1708298" }

  • Women's Lives in Mesopotamia

    Using excerpts from ancient tablets, Lynn Reese, Director of the Women in World History Project asks students to evaluate the quality and the characteristics of women's lives in Ancient Mesopotamia (USA: womeninworldhistory.com 2005-19).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:293258" }

  • Salisbury Cathedral's Magna Carta

    Only four original 1215 copies of Magna Carta remain and one can visit to view perhaps the best preserved of these in Salisbury Cathedral's Chapter House (2014).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1769093" }

  • Egypt's Golden Empire

    Lesson Plans on Hieroglyphs and Communication, Tombs and the Afterlife, The Queens of Ancient Egypt, Egypt's Greatest Leaders, Architectural Marvels, A Day in the Life of an Egyptian, Touring Ancient Egypt, The Science and Technology of Ancient Egypt (PBS, USA 2010-19)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:985805" }

  • Spanisch Lernen Online

    Auf diesen Seiten findest Du vieles, was zum Spanischlernen nützlich ist. Wie wär´s am Anfang mit einem Einstufungstest?

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:9228" }

  • Spannungstransformation

    Beobachtung N_ rm P N_ rm S U_ rm P in rm V U_ rm S in rm V 250 500 15 29 500 250 15 7,3 250

    { "LEIFI": "DE:LEIFI:8230" }

  • George Orwell's 1984 vs. Present-Day America

     An in-depth activity aimed at discovering the societal and governmental differences between George Orwell's Oceania. This activity builds comprehension and writing abilities while engaging the student in a research project.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1801378" }

  • Global Climate Change

    Climate is the average pattern of weather over the long term. The earth's climate has warmed and cooled for millions of years, since long before we appeared on the scene. There's no doubt that the climate is growing warmer currently; indications of that change are all around us.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:112276" }

  • Käuferportal Jobbörse

    Käuferportal stellt neben der Jobbörse und der Vermittlung in technologische Startups und Neugründungen auch Ratschläge und Tipps für eine gute schirftliche Bewerbung, ein erfolgreiches Bewerbungsgespräch und do`s & dont`s vor.

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:43389" }

  • Karl Bühler: Die Entwicklung des Zeichnens

    Neue historische Quellen zum Zeichnen online: Karl Bühler: Die Entwicklung des Zeichnens, In: ders.: Abriss der geistigen Entwicklung des Kindes. Heidelberg (7) 1949; Erstausgabe Leipzig 1919, S. 116-136. undEduard Steigerwaldt: Das Lehr- und Lernbare des Zeichnens. München 1928, S. 1-18

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2788951" }

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